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Servant of dawn help


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hello, i've just downloaded the servant of dawn mod. As im supposed to, a messanger comes to get see me and tells me about the dawn cult and says to meet at a place called Ipsumali. When i get there i go down the stairs and press the block to open up the door, but when i do the mythic dawn start attacking me, why is this and does anyone know how to stop it. (ive completed the main quest). Thanks
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Probably because you completed the main quest, or progressed far enough to have the mythic dawn want to kill you. If the author is still around, see if you can find out if the quest is meant to take place after the main story, and if he has implemented anything that would adjust the reaction settings. If not, you may have to manually adjust the settings ingame via console.


Something like


setfactionreaction mythicdawn playerfaction +60


provided that he went and used the standard mythic dawn faction, and not some custom subset, and only have them in the mythicdawn.

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Name is actually "Servant of the Dawn".


It is intended that you finish the main quest before playing through this mod.

Since your character will have already completed the main quest they will be at an appropriate level for this mod's difficulty. If you wish to design a new character for these quests you are welcome to; however, you will need to go through the main questline again first.


For anyone trying to duplicate the problem, it's here on TESSource or here on PES.


What version are you using?

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