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I'm inviNcible/untouchable and sick of it


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Hello everyone !

This happens only with one of my characters : a Tsaesci (modded race) who turned into a vampire.

It seems like I can't be hit by ennemies anymore (their attacks go through me), I can't get hurt by a big big fall either (my character makes the "Aaarg !" but doesn't lose health.

When I use a conjuration spell, it doesn't work, I can't use a spell on me, even my potions don't work anymore (had to use console command for the vermina's torpor mission though).


It appears I'm not the only one with this problem, but I didn't find any solutions :


So perhaps it means you could be the one who finds it, that would be amazing :blush:


My computer is a laptop, under windows 8.1.

Processor : Intel® Core2 Duo CPU
T6500 @ 2.10GHz 2.10 GHz

RAM : 4,00 Go

Explotation system 64 bits, processor x64


Game emplacement : C:\program files(x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim


I use the last version of Skyrim (I guess), and Nexus Mod Manager BETA 0.56.1


Here's a list of the mods I have (that's quite a lot) and as you will see I have every DLC.

0 0 Skyrim.esm
1 1 Update.esm
2 2 Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
3 3 Dawnguard.esm
4 4 HearthFires.esm
5 5 Dragonborn.esm
6 6 ApachiiHair.esm
7 7 RaceCompatibility.esm
8 8 TsaesciRace.esm
9 9 SPERG.esm
10 a daymoyl.esm
11 b unreadbooksglow.esp
12 c skyui.esp
13 d better males - faces.esp
14 e ninja gaiden.esp
15 f wintermyst - enchantments of skyrim.esp
16 10 balanced_magic.esp
17 11 northern bathhouses.esp
18 12 jutsu.esp
19 13 SPERG.esp
20 14 necromancy.esp
21 15 necromancer.esp
better males - bodies.esp
22 16 dwarvenmech.esp
23 17 The Well Dressed Mage.esp
24 18 Paralysis in Illusion.esp
25 19 RaceMenu.esp
26 1a RaceMenuPlugin.esp
27 1b Convenient Horses.esp
28 1c asharaimperialoutfit.esp
29 1d ts_whipcane.esp
30 1e AsharaPrinceOfTheWoods.esp
31 1f AK- Cowl of the Grey Fox.esp
32 20 PumpingIron.esp
33 21 bm_SimpleAction.esp
34 22 TentacleEnt.esp
35 23 HeartBreaker.esp
36 24 HealingSprigganPet.esp
37 25 TDNEquipableHorns.esp
38 26 EinherjarArmor.esp
39 27 Northborn Fur Hoods.esp
40 28 dredtent.esp
41 29 better vampires.esp
42 2a Thunderchild - Epic Shout Package.esp
43 2b tsaescirace.esp
44 2c yakuzatattoosofpotema.esp
45 2d battravel.esp
46 2e pathofthedivine.esp
47 2f EdhildilsOrcLordWarHarness.esp
48 30 SPERG Weapon Styles.esp
49 31 Bound Armory.esp
50 32 soy's vampire perks dg.esp
51 33 Religion.esp
52 34 Vampire Lord Mastery Perk.esp
53 35 imaddonunlimitedservants.esp
54 36 Oriental Weapon&Armor.esp
55 37 SPERG-DB.esp
56 38 SPERG-DG.esp
57 39 vMYC_MeetYourCharacters.esp
58 3a apocalypse - the spell package (workshop).esp
59 3b SED7-CBBE3_UNIEDITIONfemaleNipplePiercing_SwordNShield.esp
60 3c SED7-CBBE3_SILVEREDITION_femaleLabiaPiercings.esp
61 3d SED7-CBBE3_GOLDEDITION_femaleLabiaPiercings.esp
62 3e SED7-CBBE3_GOLDEDITION_Barbell.esp
63 3f SED7-CBBE3-BM_UNIEDITION_Nipplewand.esp
64 40 SED7-CBBE3-BM_SILVEREDITION_NipplePiercing_Rings.esp
65 41 SED7-CBBE3-BM_GOLDEDITION_NipplePiercing_Rings.esp
66 42 barenziahquestmarkers.esp
67 43 stranger_danger.esp
68 44 Beards.esp
69 45 Lost Magic.esp
70 46 Phenderix's Magic Evolved No Perks.esp
restoration_spell resurrect.esp
71 47 Phenderix Tool - Spell Edit.esp
heimskr fell down.esp
72 48 rainblower.esp
73 49 FISS.esp
caliente's beautiful bodies edition.esp
74 4a Player Size Adjuster.esp
75 4b Predator Vision.esp
Immersive Speechcraft.esp
The Golden Touch.esp
76 4c LostGrimoire.esp
77 4d dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
78 4e dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp
79 4f dD-Reduced Splatter Size.esp
80 50 dD-Reduced Wound Size.esp
81 51 Brawl Bugs CE.esp
Spell Absorb Fix.esp
82 52 AmuletOfTheNine.esp
83 53 RafForswornCustomArmorSet.esp
84 54 HoamaiiGannicusArmor.esp
85 55 DragonboneBarbarianMale.esp
86 56 Zarias_Piercings1.esp
87 57 Barbarian Jewelry.esp
88 58 BarbarianArmor.esp
89 59 Compilation.esp
90 5a NecromancerMask.esp
One With Nature - DG+DB.esp
Conjuration Fix No DLC.esp
91 5b necromancy+.esp
Conjuration fix Dawnguard.esp
Conjuration fix Dragonborn.esp
Conjuration Fix.esp


(I hope it was the thing I was supposed to paste ahahaha)


I tried :

- desactivating SPERG mods (perhaps a perk did do that)

- removing all of my clothes

- curing my vampirism with a console command

- set magic absorption to 0 with both the console commands "player.modav absorbchance 0" and "player.setdav absorbchance 0"

- changing race with the console commands too

- drown myself, doesn't work I'm invincible

- killing myself with the console command

- use the "tgm", "tim" several times


None of these worked.


Today I desperately tried something strange : the "resurrect" command and IT WORKED !!

I was able to be hit again, to get potions, I even cured my vampirism to be sure.
I had no more passive magic (like "fire resistance"), so I saved, reloaded and hoped that the passive magic would come back. And it DID ! ... With the invulnerability too :dry: And I get the message like my vampire blood burns because of the sun (but I'm no longer a vampire !!). So I tried to reset the beter vampire mod, tried to uninstal it, none of these worked.


So here I am, I know I can only cure my immortality by resurrecting myself, but it removes my passive abilities and it lasts only 1 game, when I quit I have to do it all again.


I made a topic about it yet but I think this title might catch more attention and I don't know how to delete old topics so sorry for the spam or whatever you call it.

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Yea, what mg88 showed. Just do this: uninstall mods you want to get rid of, go back into game, make a new save of your current save, then run the Save Script tool, click open, find your save, click it, click open,


Next, click the following: CleanformlistClick FixSciptInstances, Delete All#, Clean Other, Del. Broken actives. Then click save as and give it a new file name, click save. Now load up your game and check to see if it has cleaned up all the scripts/mod you've uninstalled.

Edited by Kolagon
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I cleaned my save with the tool (thanks that btw) but the problem is still here : I'm still untouchable until I use "resurrect", so I lose my passive abilities (but I can be hit again, and use potions, conjuration spells, ...), and when I save/reload it still show me the "vampire-under-the-sun" message (although I'm not a vampire anymore) and I get my invincibility back.

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I had almost the same problem but not with the vampire part. I did like what you said about useing "resurrect" and it did the same thing but then I unequiped/equiped all my stuff then I fast traveled a couple of times and played(saved and everything else) like i would normaly. then I saved and reloaded as a new save and all my passive abilities came back and i had no more issues. this whole thing took about 30-45 min of play. I haven't had anymore issues since but it has only been about 4-5 hour so who knows.

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That... can't be right... The clean tool usually fixes everything.. hmm.. I only have three suggestions left.

1. Search the nexus deeply for a mod that'll help you make a copy of your character to copy over to a new save.

2. Try the ShowRaceMenu, select a different race, then return original race, you might end up losing your original skill levels.

3. Lose everything you've got and just make a new game.

Edited by Kolagon
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Thank you guys !
I'll try it all and hope one of those work, if not I guess like Kolagon said I'll have to start over a whole new game :confused:


The vampire part is (I guess) a consequence of the problem, my character goes back to the invincible state so it makes "sense" to me that he goes back to the vampire state too.

Perhaps if I do like you Dragunkod, resurrect, fast travel an play a little (I'm fully unequipped because I tried to reset the "better vampires mod" and it does that so I said "fxck this I'm invincible anyway"), it will resolve the problem :)

I'll tell you what worked if it did ! :)

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