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Is my CPU too weak


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I ordered an Alienware m11x with a intel SU7300 core 2duo processor that works at 1.3 ghz (overclockable to 1.7 ghz). It also is coming with 4GB of RAM and a 250 GB Hard Drive, also a nvida 335 gT or something like that(feel free to correct me)


I was wondering if 1.3ghz is enough to play FO3 or if I should risk OCing to get 1.7 ghz.


Thank you for helping!

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I didn't know Alienware sold computers with CPUs that slow.


Based on notebookcheck.net your GPU is up to the task though.


It's a toss-up. Maybe, maybe not. More likely not.

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The minimum reqs state 2.4 GHz. Also I tried Oblivion (which runs on the same engine) on a 1.9 GHz dual core once, and it didn't go so well. However, your laptop has a more powerful GPU than that system did. Your GPU is pretty much overkill for FO3.


If it runs, it'll run pretty well when there's not much going on. Highly-scripted scenes or areas with a ton of NPCs may cause problems. That'd be my prediction for it.

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to be honest with you alienware sucks unless you pay a minimum of 2500 dollars.. i got my laptop for 1300 dollars and it has quad core @ 1.6 ghz

but 1.3 ghz should be ok but it may be a little slow.

if i were you i would cancel that order and order an asus g73jh or something similar :)

cheaper and stronger

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