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meteor in oblivion


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envision this, you select the spell, meteor, your hand raises to skies as if you're summoning then the skies turn red, and soon a massive ball of fire taking up the entire cyrodillic skies comes forth, causing a similar fire damage enchantment to blow over every last living being in cyrodil, making them burn alive. the closer the meteor comes to impact, the more serious the fire damage, until finally the meteor touches the top of the imperial tower in a brilliant flash of light and destroys everything, yourself included. thus the need for a save game before you actually cast the damn thing. but still, i think it would be one of the neatest ass spells in any of the spell modding done by oblivion modders, midas included, and I really want to see this mod come to life just to prove it can be done, just to see how cool it would be to burn cyrodil to the ground mwuhahahahahaaaaaa!




seriously though i want too see a cyrodil ending spell just for the sake of awesome modding fun and I really hope it can be done without any problems.

this isn't a suggestion: this is a formal request, can somebody with a ton of modding skill please make meteor happen? please? pretty please?

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Well, not if you use a .bik instead :P You have the lag though when you record :unsure: Then it plays and then you have to reload saves? The script could be:


scn MeteorImpactSpellSCRIPT

short HasVideoPlayed

Begin ScriptEffectStart

if HasVideoPlayed == 0
PlayBink Folder\VideoName.bik ;only if you put it in a folder inside the Video folder, not needed if you just put it in the Video folder

Begin ScriptEffectUpdate
set HasVideoPlayed to 1

Begin ScriptEffectFinish


Just an example. I don't know if it will work properly, but it should ;D

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