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trap in burkes house?


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Hi guys, new to modding and I think I screwed up.

I installed a bunch of mods. I wanted to get the advance recon nightvision in Burke's house in Megaton but after I lockpick it and went in, I can't get out. I am trapped and suddenly the whole place went dark. Any help would be appreciated.


update: I did a clean install and installed the other mods and still trap me inside

Edited by xacrex10
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You could also try changing the load order. Maybe another mod conflicts with the advance recon mod.


Edit: this is actually also the wrong section to post about a problem with a mod. Try the mod troubleshooting section if you have problems with a mod. (But since you´re new I can understand)



P.S. If you like the mods you´ve downloaded, you would inspire the mod authors by giving them an endorsement. (just saying)

Edited by BlackRampage
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sorry, ill try to keep that in mind.

reason why I put it here is because the door just won't work, not the mod itself.


btw, how do I endorse?




update: it worked Ringo, but now its black and white, and little lighting. I timed it so I teleport out with color.

Edited by xacrex10
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sorry, ill try to keep that in mind.

reason why I put it here is because the door just won't work, not the mod itself.


btw, how do I endorse?




update: it worked Ringo, but now its black and white, and little lighting. I timed it so I teleport out with color.


Wait, what? you don't know how to endorse?


Ok, when you've downloaded a mod you like, you go to the mod's page and click the "I want to endorse this file" button (the one with the thumbs up thingy in front of it) The rest should be obvious.

Also you can go to your own member area. When you're logged in, just go the the button with your username and click "my member area" You can then go to "view your download history button" to see if you've already endorsed a certain mod.

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