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Custom Race using Mod using vanilla head texture


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I installed Custom Races so that the NPCs didn't all look like me. Unfortuantely, it seems as if the head textures aren't working properly. I copied everything over, but it isn't working.


I tried deleting my entire Skyrim directory and then reinstalling everything. It still isn't working.

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You have to put new textures into the custom race folders.

I did that. All the textrues are working except for the head textures.


[edit] To clearify further, if I put the spectable map that I'm trying to add into CustomRace/CustomBreton folder, nothing happens. If I put that same texture file into characters/female all females, including mine, get the map. Adding the specacle map for any other body part into CustomBreton works as expected. Only the head isn't working.

Edited by tomtheclone
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