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Can anyone help me with scripts?


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You could write down what you specifically want to accomplish with said script.


I'm not very good with scripts myself (see my thread on it lolz) but I have the basics down more or less. There are a lot better posters here than I on it.


But putting down what you want to do will be the best help :).

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Here's what I want the script to do. I've placed an enchanted sword in an Ayleid ruin. However, I want to make it a holy sword. I want the script to make the sword display a message like "You cannot take this sacred sword. You are not worthy." and be unable to be picked up if the player's infamy is greater than zero. Even better if the sword gives the player a mild shock if he tries to pick it up under that condition. However, if the player's infamy is at zero, then I want it to display something to the effect of "You are worthy. Take this sacred sword. However, if you misuse the sword, you will not be able to use it again until you have redeemed yourself." So should the player gain any infamy, the sword should be unable to be equipped until he gets his infamy back to zero.
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Try this:


scn test

Begin OnActivate

if (GetActionRef != Player)
else if (GetPCInfamy == 0)
	MessageBox "You are worthy. Take this sacred sword. However, if you misuse the sword, you will not be able to use it again until you have redeemed yourself."
elseif (GetPCInfamy > 0)
	Cast StandardShockDamageTouch3Journeyman Player
	MessageBox "You cannot take this sacred sword. You are not worthy."


Begin GameMode

if (Player.GetEquipped "your sword's object ID here" == 1)
	if (GetPCInfamy > 0)
		Player.UnequipItem "your sword's object ID here"


Begin OnEquip

if (GetPCInfamy > 0)
	MessageBox "Die infidel!  Keep your filthy hands to yourself!"
	PlaySound AMBThunder
	Player.PlayMagicEffectVisuals SHDG


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