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NPC won't appear in game


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If you delete all her AI packages (so she just stands at the editor location) does she appear. Could be your AI packages have her elsewhere when you get to the editor location.
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Is this NPC a vanilla race or custom race? When I create a new NPC I start by editing and giving a new ID and name to an existing NPC (usually I start with the race I want but I suppose you could change that afterwards). Then I modify appearance, AI packages etc.
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Just had a look in the CS and I'm not finding TESTORMALE under High Elves. Is that added by Shiving Isles (which I don't have installed).


Edit: Found a TestORMale Imperial though ... is that the one?

Edited by Striker879
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What do you mean you cannot give her AI? Does the CS crash at this point? What happens that prevents you from dragging and dropping the AI packages to her list and saving them?


Unless the CTD occurs most of the time now, but never occurred before you made the mod, then it is likely that it is just a random CTD or one caused by your other mods. So I think you should just continue on with your mod and assume that there won't be any more CTDs. If you do have more, think carefully about where you were and what you were doing when they occurred so you can gather clues about them.


To add dialog to an NPC, you will need to create a new "quest" or else edit an existing one. (The second option is not recommended because it will conflict with other mods.) Here is a tutorial on adding dialog: Quest Dialogue

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