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Oblivion Scripting Guide Wanted


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Do any of you know where to find an Oblivion scripting guide? I think I found before on a wiki but can't find it now Nothing on google either.


Oops this supposed to be under Oblivion Plug-Ins... :(


EDIT: Merged your posts. Please don't double post, thanks. ^^


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Have you checked TESCS Wiki http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Main_Page


In the index it has links to -




1. Console Functions

2. Commands

3. Function Types

4. Functions

5. Conditions


There is another one, can't remember if it has those (UESP Wiki) it's been a while since I've been there.

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Yep - that's the best one I've found. It isn't always the best indexed, but keep searching and if the mod community knows how to do it, it's in there somewhere.


It was my only manual (plus downloaded mods for examples) for my Rhianna companion (only found at Tessource right now.)



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