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My Crazy as Wolfgang Inventions!


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Hello There!

I wanted to separate these ideas from my other topic "My Ideas Junkyard" cause on the previous topic I wanted to post only Ideas that will provide major changements in the gameplay, while here, there will be Ideas mostly for weapons and other items, so in my humble opinion they should be less difficult to made!


The Tranquilizer Rifle or Crossbow:

The Tranquilizer is a special weapon that use special syringes as ammo, those syringes comes in variant types and can be created using some chems, organic parts and of course empty syringes. For example some will incite an overdose that will drain greatly the HPs of the target but also boost his attacks for few seconds; others will slow its movements, some will cripple the head and have a frenzied effect so the target attacks anything nearby, while some can have the opposite effect and calm down the hostiles just as the mezzmatron, and finally some will just stun the target unconscious for few seconds.


The Working Camera:

This will change the function of the vanilla camera, now it won’t be just a junk item, the camera will be considered as a weapon! By aiming at friendly NPCs they will take a pose! And by firing you take automatically screenshots! You can gain even fame if you’re taking picture of specific NPCs of specific factions.

In order to use the camera the courier will have to sacrifice a micro fusion cell, each 1MFC = 30camera shots, by pressing the Reloading button he will automatically converts the MFC into CS!

The camera can be upgraded by the using a handflash or a MOD item, this upgrade will make the flashlight of the camera extremely powerful, when using it the unlucky NPCs that are looking at you will have their head crippled and get even a frenzied effect. To use this upgrade you’ll to press 2 in order to change the Ammo Type, by pressing R you’ll converts your CS into Camera Shots (Power Flash), each 2CS cost 1CS (PF)n if you don’t have CS ammo then you will convert 1MFC into 15CS(PF).


The Slaver Gauntlet:

This Gauntlet is not really an Unarmed Weapon even if it seems like. The slaver gauntlet use energy cell ammo and it fires supersonic blows just like the Lakelurks, if an enemy is touched in the head its got crippled and you got chances to knock him unconscious or to frenzied him, if shot several times his head might explode. If shot in the torso he gets knocked out…

Ps: if someone wears a slave collar, his head explode!


The Death Ray:

Also called the Tesla’s Teaser, this weapon uses energy cells and has no need to be reloaded because it fires a continuous ray that drains your ammo. When the death ray touch an enemy, if this last has enough strength, DT, and HP he will resist and continue normally the battle, the death ray will continue to drain his HP, STR and DT until they reach a dangerous level, the enemy then will try to flee the range of the death ray and if he didn’t get away, he will stand on his position and start screaming with a special suffering animation until he’s reduced to ash or the death ray stops emitting, this will knock him unconscious for a long time.

Ps: killing an enemy with the Death Ray will grant you negative karma, even if the NPC is evil.


The Disintegrator:

This energy weapon is the worst enemy of armours of all kind, and the best friend of the perverts …. Well what this weapon does is damaging the armours until they’re reduced to ashes and the NPC wearing it find him or herself naked!

Clothing will be disintegrated in a blind of an eye, while light armour will slightly resist, medium resist a bit, heavy last little longer while power armours are very tough!! Upon disintegrating an armour or clothing you’ll find in their ashes some junk items, such a leather, armour plates, fibbers, fusion battery, scrap metals et cetera …

To release the visual effect, I think that when the armour gets broken, you’ll have to create a fake NPC with invisible body, equip him with the same armour of the original NPC and play the disintegration animation, then you remove the amour from both and replace it with junks on the fake NPC.

Ps: The disintegrator is designed not to harm living tissues, so firing it at naked NPCs or animals will do only a slight damage, Robots instead will get moderate damages per seconds, and their DT will suffer a bit.

The Hologram’s Trap:

The Hologram’s Trap acts as a mine, it get activated when an enemy comes near of it, once activated a hologram NPC will spawn, this hologram attract all nearby enemies to him but he cannot move from his position, he has infinite HP and armed with a rifle that do 0 damages!

The hologram can be destroyed if the hologram’s mine is!

You can place the mine, activate it and the hologram will spawn, deactivate it and the hologram will hide to finally pick it up!


Biotech Horror:

This biological weapon is extremely dangerous because it gives birth to biohazard vermin inside the bodies of all the unfortunates within its area of effect. When you throw a biotech horror grenade for the first time all those who are touched receive moderate initial damage but also receive damage per seconds if they die before the damaging stops little vermin will spawn from their corpses and attack nearby enemies, if they survive and the damaging stops it is the vermin that die! If you throw a second grenade the infected enemies will receive higher damage, the duration will last longer and the vermin will be in number of four. When the third grenade is thrown, the damage will be extreme and the chest of the twice infected will be crippled and after a short time they will puke 2 large vermin. The fourth grenade is fatal, the three time infected will explode and 6 vermin will spawn from their corpses…. The vermin have terrible attacks but they’re relatively easy to kill and die after a short time once out of a warm body.

The effects can vary from humans, to ghouls, abominations and animals, only robots aren’t affected.

Things don’t stop here; if you throw a Biotech Horror grenade on the vermin it has created they will grow in size and power. You can throw a grenade four times, if you throw one more time they’ll explode.

About the model of those vermin, the first thing that comes in my mind is tiny wanamingo!

Ps: The friendly NPCs, companions and even the courier aren’t immune against this weapon so be careful.

Ps2: the vermin are friendly to the courier and his party if there’re enemies nearby, if not they’ll attack the companions and the courier if they get nearer, if they’re left alone they will attack each others.


Petrochima! Spicy (and intoxicated) Food:

Petrochima spice is a powerful poison that could be applied on food, the poisoned food will unleash a tasty smell that none could resist, if you put a Petrochima Spiced food somewhere NPCs will be attracted by its dominant smell, those with low intelligence will not hesitate and take a portion, some will then rush to the outhouse while others will rush to find a place to puke in, others will start a special death animation where we could observe them crying and dying in pain and they’ll be unable to attack the Courier even if they spot him or he passes through them, some will just be knocked unconscious for few seconds, other will just have their ability lowered, and if you’re lucky enough some of your enemies will have their head exploded!

Animals too are attracted by the Petrochima Spice! But this last is fatal to them, so shortly after biting in, they’ll flee as if they saw the reaper and few seconds after their head goes boom!

I thought also about a system for animals, where we could lure them by throwing food, for example I’m chased by a pack of coyotes, I open my pip-boy and throw their favoured food (molerat meat or something), some of them will stop chasing me and rush at the food and if lucky enough they’ll start fighting for it! The lured animal will become friendly as long as you don’t stay close!



Vault-Tec Cloning Device:

Clones exist in Fallout lore, and I think that it will be sad to not explore such aspect of Fallout’s universe.

It will be great to introduce a Vault-Tec cloning machine in New Vegas, this machine could be discovered accidentally by the Courier while exploring an old abandoned lab.

This machine will give him the possibility to save his DNA and reproduce it …. Yep in other terms create a copy of our Courier! All we have to do is giving the machine a blood simple, power it with extra 15fusion batteries and give it some time (about a week). Then our clone will be ready, but be aware once awake the clone will directly attack the Courier! So what use will have this machine if it creates only mad copies? Well it will serve to resurrect the Courier! If the courier has ordered the machine to create a clone, and he dies meantime, we’ll be able to continue playing with the ordered clone which will awake a week later in the laboratory in order to continue his former himself works (and this is how the courier rise a second time from the grave). Of course the clone could never be the exact copy of the courier he’ll have some dysfunctions such as taking more limbs’ damages and slowly gaining experience, of course the clone will be the copy of the courier the moment he ordered the clone, so if he gained exp, levels or perks (and even implants) meantime he’ll loose them…another thing it will be illogical if the clone woke up with the same gears as the former courier, so he’ll be naked at the laboratory and will have to loot himself to recover his gears.

It will be interesting if we could clone other NPCs too, such as companions so we could resurrect the fallen ones … of course this will not be possible if they’re still alive, so a mad clone will spawn from the cloning device and attack both the courier and the follower!

Another thing I was thinking about is that it will be great if we use blood packs in order to create a companion, his appearance will be randomly chosen all we could configure will be his SPECIAL and skills, just like in FO3 sesom’s mod “the Sybil secret” which allows us to change our slave’s skills by using skill holotapes found all across the Wasteland.


Zoologist’s hatching device:

This is the Beastmaster’s favourite device, by putting fresh eggs inside the machine will hatch them until the day when the little monsters come to life. The newborn creatures are too weak and need careful nurturing, they will just roam near their hatch, so the Courier should take care of them and provide them food and water, and slowly these beasts will grow and become able to follow you through your journey, by providing them food and battle experiences they’ll grow more and more stronger, gaining agility and strength bonuses, and after few days they’ll grow in size too. But if you don’t take care of them, they’ll become weak and their growth will not progress and they could attack or leave the courier at any moment.

The monsters that could be tamed are oviparous ones (Nightstalkers, Deathclaws, Geckos, Lakelurks), and the insects are hard to tame they’re unpredictable and are more likely to become hostile at birth or if not taken care of, having Entomologist perk will reduce the chance of hostility.

It will be great if we could steal mammal pups by sneaking unnoticed behind the animal and catch them if we have the proper item (a little cage maybe), we could also simply activate them if we have the animal friend perk, and this will turn nearby animals hostile. When caged the little pup could escape at any moment as long as the cage is in our inventory, he’ll then either attack or flee, we could always put him in cage again by sneaking activating him. Well, when the cage is not in the inventory by activating it we could give the animal some food and check his condition and stress, when he gets used to the Courier he could be released and then become your faithful follower, note that your beast companion will not attack animals from the same kind until he reaches a certain level of loyalty.



The Automate Figurines:

Those little machines are perfect to make diversion or to act like traps.

To use automates you should drop them and activate them, a menu will poop and you can choose to access their inventory, turn them on/off, configure their behaving or pick them up.

The little machines have different functions, they can stand on their spot and make noise in order to attract enemies, and they can be set to walk toward nearby enemies and flee once detected, animals and NPCs with low intelligence will follow and attack them, while others will just shot them once or try to pick them up.

These robotic friends will need some energy cells to function, so you’ll have to put some in their inventory, they drain 1 energy cells by 45sec and you can salvage the used cells… when configured to a hastily fleeing they consume more so 1EC by 20sec.

Putting a sensor module in their inventory will make them more intelligent, they can sense the enemies and walk directly toward them, or sense when they’re detected and flee before getting shot, they also sense when an enemy is getting nearer and when he tries to pick them up.

If you put some grenades on them, they’ll be transformed into devastating traps. If they have a sensor module installed they’ll explode when an enemy tries to pick them, they can also be set to explode if enemies are within a certain radius. With an egg timer, you can set them to explode after an amount of time. Without a sensor module or an egg timer, they’ll only explode when destroyed…

Ps: concerning the model, I thought about, a RobCo tiny Protectron with high DT, and immunity against fire, and faster and animated Teddy Bear…


************************************ Thank you for reading ******************************************************

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Chocolate Denarius


Someone is working to destroy the Legions economy by printing counterfeit coins... made out of chocolate! They look like regular legion coins but are actually chocolate candies covered in foil. They are becoming very popular among the slaves and children and might completely replace the real coins as the currency of choice! To prove your loyalty to Caesar you must track down all the children in the Legion lands and take candy from them... only then will the Legions incredible economy be able to function!



The shoot-everything gun


Ever had a whole bunch of ammo that you didn't have a gun that you could use? The shoot-everything gun is built to use all kinds of ammo! Just dump all of your bullets into the back and start blasting away! Kind of like the Rock-It Launcher from Fallout 3 except it only uses bullets.



The Flamer Fuel Factory


A small still that can be used to mass-produce flamer fuel. Dump alchoholic beverages, maize, detergent, food, dynamite, whatever into it and it will convert it all into homemade flamer fuel. It can then convert homemade flamer fuel into more potent types.



Self-Replicating C-4


A pack of C-4 that incorporates plasma grenade and recharger technology. One you deploy it then it arms and will slowly charge up. After a while it replicates into two, then four, then eight, and so on. You can disarm them and deploy them later or just activate the detonator and watch them all go off at once!

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The Sci-fi Necromancy: … sometimes science could replace fantasy!

Well because everybody seems to be in total love with zombies, and because of this the tragic ghouls are often compared to the walking dead … well what about introducing zombies to the game without discriminating the freaking & rotting human eaters, oh sorry, I meant ghouls!

Well I introduce you the lore-friendly (at least for the ghoul part), Vault-Tec Necromancer’s Device:

WTF is that?

Well the Vault-Tec Necrothing is headwear apparel, that should be placed in the inventory of the freshly dead NPCs or Ghoul’s Creatures (they’re or were human after all)…upon placing this creepy device the dead NPC will be resurrected but not completely, let me explain this:

Zombies are not really dead humans, well they’ve died but they’re still using the minimum of their cerebral functions just enough to move and satisfy their very primal need … no isn’t sex but eating, because of viruses or whatever that keep their rotting brain functioning, for this reason they’re so slow and helplessly stupid.

What the Vault-Tec Necro do is almost the same thing, it keeps the brain of the recently dead (if your shotgun didn’t blow it up) functioning via electroshocks … and in addition to the zombie stuff it serves also to communicate and link thoughts … transforming the Courier into a Zombie Overmind!

So when resurrected the former dead will be zombie-like, they’ll move very slowly and will use only unarmed or melee weapons (not enough grey matter to use or aim with a gun), so what’s the use of such freaks? Well zombies don’t die baby so unless they’re transformed into stew or have their head in another place then their shoulders; they’ll continue to awake and continue their fight after being killed over and over…


      • Here is a manual that details the working system of the Zombie Device:

- Energy Draining:

Like I said, those are Sci-fi zombies, their brain is maintained in low working condition by the Zombie Device and this Device needs energy to run, so to have a working zombie you should provide some energy cells that you’ll put on his inventory, once done, the energy cells will be drained over time, and when the amount of energy reach 0, the zombie will be turned off, well let’s say he’d be dead until you provide some energy cells and put them on his dead body!


- The zombie device is apparel and like all apparels its condition can decrease over time, so if it breaks the zombie’s head will explode! And bye-bye creepy! Oh the device is weak against EMP, the best is to remove the device from the zombie repair it and place it once again, but this is dangerous too because the zombie’s head could explode while removing the device, this will depend of your luck & science skills!


- The Courier should be skilled in Science to successfully put the device on dead NPC, if not skilled or lucky enough the head of the NPC could explode while trying to put the device on it! Oh and if during the adventure the INT points are less than 5 the zombies could break free!!



Of course the Zombie Headgear doesn’t come alone here are some devices to use alongside:

- The Necro-Ctrl:

The Necro-Ctrl is another headgear but this one should be used by The Courier in order to Mind Control his zombie pets! With that collar he will be able to initiate dialog with them and give simple order such as wait/follow/open inventory … et cetera, but the Necro-Ctrl has limitations for example it cannot handle many zombies and have a short area of effect so once out of this area the zombies can turn hostiles … and if you resurrect another NPC and you reach the cap a random zombie can break free and become hostile!

Both the zombie device and the Necro-Ctrl (see description below) could be upgraded with sensor modules; this will increase the area of effect or receiving.


- The Necro Remote Control:

In some aspects this device works the same as any TV remote, it gives simple order and Turn Off/On your zombies, but it has also some other bonus feats. When you fire with this device in a specific direction, the order will be transmitted only to the zombies you’re (or were) facing, if you fire at a location where there are no zombie, the orders will be transmitted to the entire zombies within the range! Another thing when you press the button 2 (change ammo) you’ll change the type of order you’ll give.

Here is a list of the orders (ammo) you could give:

1- Follow/Wait: if a zombie is following you he’ll stop and vice versa!

2- Turn On/Off: Turning off the zombie will knock him unconscious and stop draining energy; this could be useful if you want to leave a zombie in public areas without having problems with the locals! (Pulse Grenades have chance to turn on/off)

3- Call to Order/Liberate: if your favoured zombie breaks free from your grasp you can always call him to order so he’ll join your party once again … this order will have the opposite effect on Mind controlled zombies that will break free and turn hostiles … so if you want some targeting exercises….

4- Use more Energy: you can order the zombie device to consume more energy, by doing this the zombie will become more powerful, speedy and intelligent, but the energy cells will be drained rapidly and the more the zombie is fuelled with energy the more he will have chance to break free! This order could be used four times to get bonuses; any further will decrease the zombie device condition and do little damage to the zombie itself!

5- Use less Energy: the opposite effect of the previous one, if this order is given to a zombie who uses the minimum energy he will be turned off!

6- Go there (or Attack!! In zombie’s language): the zombie will head to the direction you’re aiming, if there’s an enemy (or any living creature friend or foe in case they’re out of range) they’ll attack it!


Zombies Characteristics:

- Zombies move slowly and use only unarmed and melee weapons their animation should look more zombie-like!

- It will be cool if the dead NPC will be removed from the game and replaced with an NPC that will share the his global appearance, so the zombie will be considered more like a creature then a normal NPC, and we could use different textures and animation, so if we grant them the ghoul animation I think that it will be easier to raise them when they have their arms cut off! Just like ghouls in Mutant Mart’s Mod for fallout3.

- Zombies should act like Zombies, so when they killed the surrounding enemies they’ll rush to their corpses and devour them, if the Courier approaches they could turn hostiles!


Have I mentioned that it works on living NPCs too?

Well the Vault-Tec Necrothing was designed to act like a supreme communication device, it links minds and transfers information, so for the time they’re linked the persons using the device will have full access to each other’s mind, they’ll have the same memory the same knowledge the same skill…

By successfully putting the device on a living NPC, the Courier will gain skills if the NPC is more skilled, he can also gain perks if the NPC have some, but more important is that he’ll have full control on this NPC, so he can use the Remote to provide orders, put some orders will not have the same effects on dead & living NPC:

1- Follow/Wait: same function for both dead & living!

2- Turn On/Off: will have the same effect as Call to Order/Liberate, and the living NPC will turn hostile when turned off!

3- Call to Order/Liberate: same effect as above + damage!

4- Use more Energy: will not motivate the NPC but will damage his head, so as long as the device drains more energy cells his head condition will decrease and there’s a chance that he gets frenzied! When using this order more then 3times the NPC’s head will explode!

5- Use less Energy: the opposite effect as above, reduce the damage and the device could be turned off!

6- Go there (Activate/Attack/sit/Take): this command is the same as the activate button for the PC, so when you point the remote to an object the NPC will take it, if you point it at a locked crate he will try to open it (if he has enough skill), he can also hack a computer, if the PC is crouching and point the remote on an NPC, the controlled one will try to sneak and steal from him random items, if the PC weapon is drawn and he point at an NPC the controlled one will attack! And so and so ….


Another thing should be considered, controlling an NPC is not without risk; first the PC should be lucky, have high skills in science and sneaking, and should be more agile or strong!...if he fails the NPC will turn hostile!

If other NPCs witness this act they’ll turn hostile even if he succeeds!

You’ll loose Karma upon placing this device and loose further if you torture the NPC with it (Call to Order/Use more Energy), oh and you’ll loose even further when the NPC dies even if you’re not the killer!

The controlled NPC are pre-ordered zombie so if the controlled NPC dies he will raise shortly after as a zombie! But the PC will no longer benefit from bonus skills and perks! Upon death of the controlled NPC the Courier will receive terrible head damage! Why? because he’s linked to the NPC and by the way experiences the same death experience!

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