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If you had to give an answer based on the title only, you would most likely say "Nehrim!" or something similar. But no, I don't wish of anything other than Cyrodiil in my Oblivion. What I want is to avoid the fighting completely.


Let me explain what I want. I want mod(s) that take away the need to fight. I want to do stuff like live my life as a farmer, be an explorer who brings companions to defend me against highwaymen, a merchant who spends his day selling his wares in a store, a priest who conducts religous ceremonies;weddings etc and more I wish to avoid the main storyline completely and find a whole different game in Oblivion. A Vintner, a master craftsman, a miner, a wandering bard, even a lord of a town. I want all these in my Oblivion. The ability to just enjoy the world as it is and not participate in needless fightings.


Oblivion is such an open-ended game. You can literally go anywhere at any time and just explore the world and marvel at its history, its wonders, its lore. I want a library with all the books I ever want to read (excluding certain ones like the Mankar Cameron's Commentaries to be logical), a bank with interest rates, restaurants (and the ability to work in one).


I immensely enjoyed the many alternate start mods available. They all appealed to me in an uncanny way. The ability to disable fast travel would be nice, I sure want to explore the world rather than fast-travel.


Also, would be cool to have mods that make the Arena more engaging, spectator-wise.



That's about it, really. I'm sure you can't answer every single bolded line, but I'm sure there's one or two mods that fit the descriptions.


Thank you.

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Here is Arena Lite. It does two things. One, if you might like to spar but you don't want to kill anyone, it changes the arena so it is not to the death. Two, it makes fights more short and exciting looking for the spectator.



Pastoral Peace turns creatures into tame sheep when you cast it on them. Might be a good pacifistic priest spell.



AFK PrayerIdles does not give your character any priest abilities but it makes NPCs pray in church for more realism. Maybe useful for you if you will be roleplaying in the churches a lot.



Mr Siikas Farm Animals adds farm animals to various farms in the game for a more pastoral setting:



I would recommend Cats and Rats to you but the cats do kill the rats sometimes, so have a look at Axels Animal Mod. Puppies in town! Peaceful mice. Kittens! OK, so they are tiny cougars, but still.



Bank of Cyrodiil is a bank that gives you interest:


Bank of Cyrodiil Addons:



Minstrel's Lute, play lute for money:



Reaper's Animated Lute, so you can see and hear your character play anytime, anywhere:



Imperial City Library:


Note that some people report conflicts with some other mods and quests. If you have problems, search on "library" and choose a different library mod. There are several. This one is the most popular.


Ashs Odd Jobs, a mod that offers various jobs you can do:



Do a search on "craftybits" to get an immersive crafting system and some addons for it. Not linking them to save space here.


Clamshell Cottage by Korana, a fishing cottage with many immersion features:



Millstone Farm by Korana is a crafting and gardening farmer's home:



Shadowcrest Vineyard, a companion friendly home. Quest does have fighting but you don't have to do the quest. Working vineyard and many other activities. Tied for my favorite home.



Hall of Blissful Madness, interactive for Shivering Isles, also Korana, no surprise:



Woodcutter's Cabin by Korana



NOTE: It is highly recommended you get the Cobl versions of those houses. Cobl itself contains many immersion functions, and with Cobl many special features are added to the houses.


Gold Horse Courier Service, gives you courier jobs. Nice if you are going to disable fast travel:



Forest Friend Amulet. Animals like you so no more having to kill the poor beasties:



Oblivion-Elys-NoFastTravel This mod means it. You can't even make it work again with console commands. You have to remove the mod to fast travel again.



Mining Company Makes you a mine owner. Some people have problems with this mod still so you decide whether to try it.



Goranga Restaurant Job:



Havok Building Blocks. Lets you build things.



There IS a mod that lets you start your own village from scratch but I can't remember the name and I never tried it. If I find it, I will edit this post.


I could not find a mod that lets you perform weddings, but I did find a couple that let your character get married, in case you believe priests should be able to marry.

The Wedding:


Housewives. Has girls you can marry. Now has some men available also so it works for any character.



About companions. There are several companion methods. I am pretty sure they probably conflict.

This one has a lot of companions for it. Companion Share and Recruit:


For more options, go to browse by category and look at Companions Other and Companions Creatures.


I don't use a companion mod so you will need to ask someone who does what the options are.


I have played some of these mods but not all. I just did the searches for you. I hope they work for you.The reason I recommended extra animals for the game is that it adds more immersion and you seem to want immersion. Some of them also provide ingredients if you aren't opposed to culling your farm animals. Not sure if you count that as fighting or being a farmer. I don't like to harvest animals much but there for your possible farming and crafting needs. All the animals are not aggressive.

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Kudos to you, Telyn. You've given me almost everything I've wanted in Oblivion. I'll check all these out, and give my feedback sooner or later. Also, I tried the Pats Shopkeeper Mod. It didn't really work the way I wanted it to.


By the way, I'm not really intending to roleplay as a priest. I'm not even christian, but I always liked to see priests carrying out their duties. It makes the world more immersive. Even with "illegal" priests, shall we say...

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Striker879: Thank you for your kind comment. Making lists for people is fun. I usually find new mods I want to try, so it's win/win. :)


NeonPeanut: Thanks! :) The advanced search features here are very good. It makes it pretty easy to find almost anything.


StanleyRichards: I thought maybe you played a priest of the Nine. I like npcs in general to be doing something purposeful. I enjoyed making the list for you, because I've thought about trying to assemble a small overhaul with a pacifist theme. You are not alone. There are many players who avoid combat in Oblivion, and more still that want to choose only battles that reflect the personality of the character.


If that shop mod didn't work for you, you might enjoy Goranga Traveling Merchant: http://www.tesnexus....le.php?id=33499

It lets you become one. I've been meaning to try that one when I have a chance.


Veridius Investigations. Another job you can have, but this time you can question suspects and solve mysteries.



Some more dining establishments (but you can't be the chef or owner):


Tamriel Snacks isn't a place you can work, but it adds some nice new foods: and looks attractive:



These two restaurants have waiters that take your order and bring your food:

http://www.tesnexus....le.php?id=25610 The Hungry Dragon

http://www.tesnexus....?id=26205 The Hungry Slaughterfish


Quirkiest restaurant:


Rat Restaurant. This restaurant caters to the poor by serving only rat meat dishes with disgusting "gourmet" pretensions. Lore references. Watch out, the food can be bad for your health. Some people would find this funny, others might feel it's pointless. Has a quest now. but I don't know if any fighting is involved.

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