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Simple texturing help


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Hey all,

I'm very new to all this and i'm curently trying to retexture a piece of the alyeid ruins.


Im going for a sort of deep red crystal feel. But at the moment it looks more like soft play than hard crystal.




I think what i need is to make the edges look 'sharper' that way it should look less soft.


Could anyone help me with a suggestion.



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Make the normal map almost transparent. If you have time, you could find the original files used for the ayleid ruins, find the parts that correspond with the edges of your meshes. You could make the normal map have shine there and no where else. That would be an involved process, but would render the most desirable effect, based upon your brief description.


You might also try to change the NiVertexProperties to Vert_Mode_Src_Emissive and Light_Mode_Emissive. Then simply add a glow map that has transparency as well (you don't want too much opaqueness to your normal or glow maps). This second option would be the easiest. The places that are white-ish on either the glow or normal will shine, the more white = more shine. mmmm moonshine.... Back on topic... This method might be the easiest to implement. It will take some time changing each of the instances of your tileset (I know, check out my Obsidian Castle Interior Tileset....).


Patience and diligence will pay off,






That is the tileset that I made, using the AlonsosObsidian resource. Each of the pieces is black with a shine that looks metalic and glass. If you look at the properties in nifskope, that might help you.

Edited by theuseless
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