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Newbie - Player Bookshelf Help Please?


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Hello everyone.


So far my experience with modding has been that if something isn't working for me, it's usually something very simple I'm missing. I'm hoping that is the case here.


I've managed to successfully create armor mannequins, weapon racks, and make the beds give the well rested bonus. However, I'm still experiencing major issues with bookshelves.


I have carefully read http://www.creationkit.com/Tutorial_Bookshelves this tutorial and I thought I followed the instructions correctly.


I have also watched this tutorial by Darkfox127 and followed the hints. My bookshelf still is giving me problems:


I have one of two issues when I have attempted to get it working: either the books fly off the shelf as soon as they are placed in the container (despite a collision barrier) or, for some reason, despite having placed a link to the PlayerBookshelfContainer in the linked references tab, the container won't spawn at all when I try to activate it - nothing happens.



Can anyone please point me in the right direction as to what I might be doing wrong? I have tried several times starting from scratch with the same issues, I have tried more space than necessary between the books, all with no improvement, so it isn't even a load/save issues or things being placed on the shelf incorrectly. I don't know what else I might have missed or placed wrong in the render window. Help?!

Edited by dolphin66th
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