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[GECK] Newbie here: weird 'bug' that suddenly makes all objects disappear


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Alright, first of all I'm new to modding, and I'm starting by placing objects in an existing cell (Coyote Mine Shack's interior, to be precise) and creating a simple 'safehouse' of some sort.

This is my problem: halfway through placing items in the cell, all containers and static objects and everything but the walls, light and stairs will disappear from view. However, they just disappeared from view and can still be selected, and still exists in the cell. Glows from things like the Electric Hot Pot will still stay there, but without the physical pot.

I thought I might had misclicked something, but this happened once when I'm just looking at the screen. Other times it happened when I was on my web browser and came back to see everything apparently hidden from my view. A 'fix' would be restarting GECK, but this is excessively annoying because I can't do things for more than a few minutes without everything being hidden from my view again.

I tried googling, but I'm not exactly sure if I'm googling right, because the results I got were nowhere similar to what I encountered. Kind of hard for me to google in GECK terms when you don't understand the terms, actually.

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I've never heard of that happening from just viewing the screen or moving from one program to the other, but I have experienced something similar, and I know the cause of one way this can happen.


I've ran into most things disappearing in the render window (which is the window of the cell you are looking at and dropping items into), when I accidently resize the render window just a bit too quickly. If I resize it slowly, I have no problems, but a slight tweak to it's size, one direction or the other, and I have 90% of items go invisible. Even clicking F5 doesn't re-register the correct view of all of the items. I am then forced to either save and reload my plug-in, hoping that things didn't screw the pooch, or reopen before the last edits I made just to be sure everything is in proper working order. 2 years later, and I still have the problem, but no effective real time solution.


As far as it just happening in the middle of not even moving your mouse, I'm stumped. Maybe list what version of Windows OS you run, and if you have the Geck Power-Up installed / running. There could be other factors other than just a bug in Geck.

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