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XP32 Maximum Skeleton doesn't put sword on my back


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As the title says, I'm using XP32....specifically XP32 Maximum Skeleton-XPMS- XPMS 1.94. I select the options for 1 handed swords on the back, and the animation. The animation works, however the sword stubbornly remains on the hip. I've tried this mod and the XP32 Maximum extended, both do the animation but not the placement. I have a couple of body replacers, but I added XP32 last, and select 'yes to mod' when prompted, yet the sword will not move. Any ideas please?

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I use the same skeleton and everything works for me.


Stupid question : have you run fnis or, if you don't have fnis, have you selected the option for non fnis users during installation ?

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Animations aren't the issue, dragonvale. The issue is the actual sword going on the back....it animates from the back but sits on the hip. Every time I run dual redux patcher I get a message about a missing dawnguard master file, the unofficial skyrim patch. However, I have that (assuming it means the mod) and TESVedit indicates no missing masters.

Edited by skydragon1978
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I was talking about the skeleton, not animations.


Maybe I'm wrong but for what I know, animations files ( 1hm_equip.hkx and 1hm_unequip.hkx ) don't place swords behind player's back.


Why you run dual redux patcher ?

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Surely you already know that but.... If you have fnis, when you launch GenerateFNISforUsers, you have to select tha skeleton arm fix patch.


Hope that someone more expert than me can help you :blush:

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