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FIX for crashing when loading exterior cells while using an ENB


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Boys and girls, I've found a fix for CTDs when trying to load an exterior cells and I'll share it with you. This will only help you if you're using an ENB. So...

While loading interior cells worked fine I was getting instant CTDs when trying to load an exterior cells, be it in the city or in the open. After some trial and error period (mostly error period) I've discovered that one line my enblocal.ini was causing a problem. It was "FixParallaxTerrain" (without quotes ofc) line, it's located under the [FIX] category in the enblocal.ini.

While it was set to "true" I was getting CTDs, so you need to set this to "false", and it needs to look like this:



Now hopefully, you can load your exterior cells. I don't know why but this've solved my issue and I hope it'll solve somebodies else too.

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