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CTD on outdoor load after installing Wrye Bash

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I tried installing OBSE and wrye bash yesterday to use the all natural and immersive interiors mods but I've run into a problem. No matter what I enable/disable in wrye bash, I'll CTD after loading a cell/save game that's outdoors. I can load to an indoor environment just fine, but as soon as I step outdoors, I crash.


I've been playing oblivion/shivering isles just fine with the unofficial oblivion patch and a single mod that removes trainer limitations for several weeks. Its only now that I'm getting crashes.


I'd like to think that I've installed everything correctly, and according to what I've looked up online; I have. I imagine the problem is that I'm not using wrye bash correctly, even though I've been using the pictorial guide.


Computer specs for reference are, WinVista64, 3.2ghz quadcore, 4 gigs RAM.

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Rebuild your Bashed Patch according to this:



When you press 'Rebuild Patch', make sure that you check the following:


Merge Patches

Import ... [Go through each 'import' option and if there's a mod, not csv in the right window, check it, and the Import... option.]

Cobl Catalogs [ONLY if you use Cobl]

Contents Checker

Leveled Lists

Race Records

SEWorld Tests [ONLY if you have Shivering Isles installed]


The Globals and Tweaks are optional, but should not be checked unless you know what you are doing, and should be left alone while you are troubleshooting. Everything else should be left unchecked UNLESS you know that you need it.









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Thanks a ton man, my game works great now. Your list of things to check should be included in the wrye bash pic guide.


Great. Yes, unfortuately the pictorial guide could do with updating.

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Thanks a ton man, my game works great now. Your list of things to check should be included in the wrye bash pic guide.



Actually, I've discovered a problem. The whole of southwest chorrol is missing! I see the sprites for the doors, but no buildings and part of the city wall is missing.

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Thanks a ton man, my game works great now. Your list of things to check should be included in the wrye bash pic guide.



Actually, I've discovered a problem. The whole of southwest chorrol is missing! I see the sprites for the doors, but no buildings and part of the city wall is missing.


Then you have mod conflicts. Install and run BOSS. Make sure you have any compatibility patches for any landscape or Better Cities mods also.


Edit. Actually, check and recheck your Bashed Patch again. Make absolutely sure that there are no mods checked in there that are not installed. Also make sure that you have not made any plugins as masters and not reverted them. I made that mistake once. See here.

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My masters list for bashed patch is


All natural base.esm

Unofficial Oblivion patch.esp



The mods I have installed are

Sivering Isles

Knights of the Nine

Unofficial Oblivion patch

Unofficial SI patch

All Natural

Imersive interiors

Remove trainer limits


Nevermind, there was an option within All Natural that increased compatibility with other mods. I used that function and everything is fine now. I guess there was a conflict with the unofficial patch or something.


Thanks for your help in this!

Edited by JourneyMan42
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