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Tes4Edit & Sounds & Sounds


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I just wanted to confirm something before I do something stupid - my first time with Tes4Edit, I also read that long guide.


From my understanding if you use OBSE-Storms & Sound SI.esp you need to rename it too Storms & Sound.esp for other S&S patches to work?


Anyway, lets say I have


Storm & Sounds - For AFK_Weye, Bartholm, Blood&Mud, The Lost Spires, Better Cities.esp


If I want to clean Storm & Sounds.esp(formerly OBSE-Storms & Sound SI.esp) I will need to load those patches as welll?



All Patches

Storms & Sound.esp


I remember reading that it needed to follow load order? is this then an exception to the matter? as I know Storms & Sound.esp is loaded earlier than the patches but since I am cleaning this particular esp I will load it last?


Or do I just load it like this and clean it?



Storms & Sound.esp


Just want some clarification if someone can assist.

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Just select Storms & Sound.esp. It has no master dependencies.


Edit: By the way, you do not need to rename any Storms & Sound esp files. The only renaming that needs doing is if you use Natural Weather. Read the instructions carefully.

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