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Regarding HGEC clothing/armor mods.


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Another noob question. What happens if clothing mods have the same location? Will they both appear there or will one override the other?


If you mean the location where you can access the clothing, then they should both appear. As long as they do not occupy the EXACT space you can access both. The clothing can both be from the same vendor as well.


EXACT space? Something appearing in the same slot of a chest or something? Two items have to appear in a different spot inside a chest or one will get replaced by the other? Or do you mean something else?


I decided to upgrade my size. normal/small/A-cup appears too anorexic.

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Mods always add items to unique chests, so two sets of clothing will not end up in the same chest. The worst that could really happen is if the chests occupied the same exact area of a cell and overlapped, but it is very unlikely. You shouldn't worry about being able to access the clothing of two separate mods.
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