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I want to finally beat oblivion but...


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I have Oblivion for the 360. My computer isn't fast enough to play Oblivion. I started playing on the 360 again and I tried to fly by the seat of my pants. But I am insanely bothered when I don't do efficient leveling!


So I think I'll do efficient leveling up to level 20 so that all equipment is available. Then I will stop sleeping all together.


1) Is this a good stopping point?


2) Also, should I restrict the kinds of spells and enchantments I do at arcane university so that my character doesn't become too powerful (like my last character)? How high should I put the enemy difficulty meter - all the way up? (I've never touched it in the past)


3) What sort of things would you do to have more fun playing and want to complete the game? Like should I try to limit the amount of items I pick up and sell?

Edited by Thrakkkk
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As this site is dedicated to PC modding and not consoles, Most of the people here don't play on xbox or PS3 so you are not likely to get many answers. Try the official Bethesda site. Or one that specializes in consoles.

Please don't ask for mods on consoles as we do ban for that.

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In my opinion, no, it isn't. Mainly because all the monsters in the game at level 20 will be very powerful in the main quest, but if you do decide to use this idea, set the difficulty meter to easy or even very easy till you get into the groove of fighting off tough enemies, hope this helps, and i know this is probably a dead post, but just thought i could put my time into good use!
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Woah, my question isn't so bizarre just because I play on the 360.

This is the General Oblivion section is it not? Oblivion is the same game on the 360 and PC (before modding).

I've seen all those Oblivion wikis that one person mentioned. They don't answer my question in the slightest.

Yalls opinions would answer my 3 questions just fine

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In my opinion, no, it isn't (a good level to stop on). Mainly because all the monsters in the game at level 20 will be very powerful in the main quest, but if you do decide to use this idea, set the difficulty meter to easy or even very easy till you get into the groove of fighting off tough enemies, hope this helps, and i know this is probably a dead post, but just thought i could put my time into good use!

Don't creatures level up with you? Why would some enemies be too powerful if I stop at level 20? 5 creatures have an initial level higher or equal to 20: Xivilai, Lich, Gloom Wraith, Minotaur Lord and Goblin Warlord. Lich is the highest at level 26. So should I stop at level 26? Remember, I'm going to be efficient leveling the whole time. I've done this before. I got to level 40 or so. But I never did the main quest. I was too invincible and I didn't like that

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You can take the underleveling approach, just, level skills and nothing else, avoid sleep etc.



Well I said I was going to do underleveling but first I wanted to do efficient leveling. My first question was asking peoples' opinion on a good time to stop efficient leveling and switch to underleveling. (Only one person has addressed any of my 3 original questions)


I'm definitely going to use efficient leveling up to at least level 20. I don't know how much farther I should go after that... The last time I made a character I got to level 40 or so with efficient leveling and it was TOO POWERFUL.

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1. 15 is better in my opinion because you may want to change later almost like retrying or taking another approach


2. At 20 I would start getting the more powerful spells and enchantments as your character should be higher in the skills and then change the difficulty to the hardest little by little (10) every level till 25 - 30 when you should be pretty effective.


3. Go on the little quests like "find the ayleid artifacts" and only collect gems and gold. Do up to the main quest where you get the blood of a divine. Shut all the Oblivion gates that open and collect the bloodgrass and things only. Collect as many sigil stone as possible then store them away and do it over again, when repeating try different approaches to getting this done like sneak and kill none or kill every last one.


Just some of the things I do myself! Have fun!

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