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Strange Graphical Glitch


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I don't think this has been raised before.


Recently now and then the graphics start to fuzz/flicker with either strange dots or fuzzy lines and other such wierd stuff in game. Even on the menus and everything. And it doesn't go away until I reboot.


Now I don't have the latest drivers for my graphics card, but that's for a reason, the latest drivers for it actually lowered performance on Morrowind horifically, reducing FPS and giving me 2 seconds lag whenever I tried to open containers. So I reinstalled the card and installed this earlier driver (45.23 I think is the version).


The newest driver had this glitch also though. It seems to be inherent.


I'm guessing it is just the cr@ppy drivers NVidia do for the GeForce series, but I just wondered if there was some alternate thing it could be?


I'm currently running 5 different plugins (with Tribunal) on this char, they are:



AtmosphericSoundEffects 3.0

Clean Arkay (one of the Knights of Tamriel plugins)




And yes, I have the latest Bloodmoon patch.


If anyone knows how to fix this, please tell me!! It's seriously

annoying. :blink:

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  • 2 weeks later...
before my geforce 3ti500 melted (literally, it melted) i had the same problem, from what i could gather at the time its either a conflict or something on your computer, i ended up formatting then reinstalling everything, is your hard drive is HUGE then hopefully you have a dvd burner, i just got one and it helps so much when backing up, if not, prepare to use up alot of cds, either way, youll have to formatt, unless your overclocking it, or it overheats, try installing a new fan aimed at the video card, or underclock it by 10mhz, yep, underclock it, so it can cool down and do less work, if all else fails, back up, and formatt.
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Well, it doesn't seem to be that the card is overheating :huh: as Morrowind is running without the graphical glitch at the moment just fine. Running FPS Optimizer seemed to help somehow. Haven't experienced the graphical glitch in days (I did once in the CS, but that was after a week of nothing, and it's been like 3 days since then without any problems)


Surely if it was overheating it'd be consistent, like happening after 5 minutes of gameplay each time...?

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