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Getting a "Real" Sky in an Indoor Cell


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Howdy folks!


I have a special level that really needs the player to be able to see a sky, preferably with a certain type of weather pattern (basically, "rapidly" shifting between all of them). I tried using the "fake sky" domes, but I realized those are meant to be seen from a great distance or through a tiny crack, not for a large area as I intend.


Is the most effective way to do this to create the level in a worldspace or is there a way to get the "sky" to appear in an interior cell?



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The only reason to do the interior in a worldspace is if your going to have a view out of the window that also see the landscape, Such as the Lucky 38 Penthouse or cocktail Lounge.


If you are just wanting to see sky through holes in the ceiling there is a simple way to do this in an interior cell without using the fake sky planes.


1. Begin to create your interior as you normally would for any interior.

2. Right Click your interior in the Cell View window and hit edit.

3. go to the lighting tab.

4. in the bottom right corner you will see "Behave Like Exterior"

5. Click the checkbox and choose your Climate

6. Your Done!


if you want to test the cell you can hit the sky button to see the real clouds in your interior.


If you have NVInteriors you can see an example of this method in the Novac Gas Station. I do know there are some vanilla examples in FO3, Not sure about FNV but I can't remember where for the life of me.

Edited by chucksteel
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