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need a little help scripting


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first off i dont if this is where i should post this. and if it isnt then where does it go?


anyway im doing a script thats a one-hit-kill if done from behind and while you sneaking and undetected. this is the script:


EDIT ok this is what the script looks like now...


scriptname 001backstabkillscript


begin ScriptEffectStart

if (GetDetectionLevel player <= 1)

kill player






but all it does is kill every one all the time no matter what. as is apperent im not worthy enough to be called a scripter as i lack the brain power and other smart things. so if anybody knows how to finish what i started it would be great!

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well Im not an expert on scripting either but I can see where you made your firsk mistake. The "Kill" command should be between the "If..." and "endif", thats why its killing every one. Thats all the advice i can give you.
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Use GetDetected player == 0 in addition to or instead of getlos player == 0.


It makes sense, for instance, that a 100% Chameleoned actor could slit someone's throat even if standing in front of the person.


Alternately, use GetDetectionLevel <= 1. If I understand the Detection Levels correctly, this will result in a kill provided that the actor doesn't think someone's there. However, "Lost" may be a special case (triggered, for instance, by an actor who was in combat casting Invisibility), in which case you'd want to use GetDetectionLevel == 1.

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humm this sounds like it might work thanks a lot. ill go check it out right now.


EDIT-well now it says warning: line 4 missing parameter actor. what do i do :S (btw the script at the top now shows what it looks like when the warning comes up)

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Eh, should be GetDetectionLevel player <= 1. Sorry about that.


You will need to have the kill command INSIDE of the if statement, like so:


if [condition]





You may wish to use kill player in order for the death to be properly attributed. You should test this on a bandit to make sure it doesn't count as a murder.


Additionally, you might want to set the enchantment to ignore Absorb/Reflect.

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oh ok i get it now. gonna go make it work (hopefuly)


EDIT-arg it is still not working and now my brain is gonna pop (this is why i didnt try to become a scripter in the first place.) so anyway the script now looks like the one in the first post. btw i appreceat all the help

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