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SKSE crashing from MO


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Recently I switched my Skyrim's language to English via Steam. During that process, it seems that some files might have got lost or not tranferred correctly. I checked back up with Steam, but Steam said everything was fine.

The problem I'm having: starting a game via the SKSE launcher in the "Skyrim" folder works perfectly fine, but all my mods seem to be gone. On the other hand everytime I launch my game (via SKSE) from MO the game crashes before entering the main menu. MO tells me that I have no conflicting mods and everything should be fine - but still the skse launcher won't work. Somehow I have the feeling that instead of SKSE it launches the normal TESV launcher, but I have no clue what is actually happening. Tried reinstalling MO yesterday (which didn't help) and launching without any mods installed (too didn't help). I even disabled all DLC's, but still the game crashes. Does anyone have any idea what I could do to fix my game? (If possible answer in simple terms and go into detail; I'm just a very casual user.)


Details: I'm running SKSE version 1_07_03, Skyrim the newest version and MO version 1.03.11 . The loading/priority list is down below, and I have had Steam go through all the files in the steamfolder as well. Steam showed three missing files but installed those (was the Hearthfires DLC), and after that it all went down the drain.

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Oh, it seems I have forgotten to upload the first of the priority list pictures (sorry for double-posting here). Also I have attached the inside of my Skyrim- and "data"-folder. If anyone can see anything wrong in there (i.e. SKSE missing some files or something like that), please tell me what is missing/wrong and how to fix it. I'm seriously desperate at this point.

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Have you tried deleting and then reinstalling SKSE? Did you have it properly installed in first place? Also run your load order through TES5edit to make sure you dont have any errors.


I would delete SKSE and reinstall.


Remember drag and drop the the application files into skyrim folder and then from MO click add from archive and add the scripts into MO as a mod. Should work perfectly if installed correctly.

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Well I deleted SKSE multiple times and I tried reinstalling it via both methods; using the installer, and unzipping it to the skyrim folder. Both somehow didn't seem to work. Additionally I just want to mention that now SKSE-Starting from the folder itself "works"; it launches the game, but all my (not steam-installed) mods are not being launched along with the game. Just to be sure I've tried copying the "mods" folder to the "data" directory of Skyrim, but that didn't do anything either (still no mods).

Also TES5edit doesn't even recognise my mods that I have installed via MO, although they are currently set in the "data" directory. Could it be that either my mods, or my ModOrganiser (or both) are faulty?


Edit: I've tried setting the "start in" line of the "Modify Executables" window to something (i.e. "data") and suddenly the main menu loaded - without the bethesda-logo. The basic problem remains - I still can't start the game, due to the whole thing crashing after anything is clicked - and all the options availble have a dollar-sign in front of them, but the menu is loading now. What's up with that?!

Edited by Dooomstar
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OK, to be clear, you need to have MO and SKSE installed at the same folder level: Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim

I highly recommend you manually install SKSE instead of using the installer. The SKSE archive has a read-me file that explains exactly how you install everything needed to make SKSE work.


For Mod Organizer, don't put any mods or files in the "data" folder besides the ones from Bethesda. The reason for this is because MO builds a virtual data folder when launching an executable through MO. So, when you launch the game through MO, it takes just a few seconds to build your virtual data folder for the game to use that include all your mods. You should be running the game, TES5Edit, CK, etc. through MO instead of going into the folder where the executable is located and running it there.


If you have SKSE installed in the correct location, MO should detect that and automatically set up the executable file to be run through MO. You can check this by clicking the "gears" icon at the top of MO, and finding SKSE in the list of executables. Here's what it looks like for me:

Title: SKSE

Binary: H:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\skse_loader.exe

Start in: H:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim


Most likely, your drive letter at the beginning will be different but once you reach the "Steam" folder, it should be the same. Try this and see how it goes, and another thing. Use LOOT to sort your load order, as it needs it badly.


If none of this works for you, I'd recommend watching some tutorials or following the installation procedure in installing Mod Organizer from STEP.

Edited by cloudedtruth
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Okay, I just created a new profile on MO, followed your tip with the folders and somehow it does work now (but only on my secondary profile). Thank you for your help, but I honestly don't know what fixed it. If anyone wants to maybe take a look into it, I could in theory attach the new setup as a file, but I didn't change anything major (I think)...

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Well installing MO and the getting everything to work correctly can seem frustrating and it easy to mess things up if you go about it too quickly.


You can make sure you did things correctly by watching a short MO installation video from GamerPoets here.


You can also watch and entire playlist from Gopher, here, who thoroughly explains everything your doing.


I recommend following either one of their tutorials for installing anything MO (SKSE, TES5Edit, etc). Installing MO is something that is a little slow at first and you need make sure that you install everything correctly to avoid possible problems in the future. I took about 2 full days to install MO the first time did it (followed the entire installation procedure from Gopher and GamerPoets), and have not any issues since. It's worth it once you get everything setup correctly but it may take a little more time to get everything to that point. It's your choice what you do at this point, but that's my recommendation.

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  • 10 months later...

OK, to be clear, you need to have MO and SKSE installed at the same folder level: Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim

I highly recommend you manually install SKSE instead of using the installer. The SKSE archive has a read-me file that explains exactly how you install everything needed to make SKSE work.


For Mod Organizer, don't put any mods or files in the "data" folder besides the ones from Bethesda. The reason for this is because MO builds a virtual data folder when launching an executable through MO. So, when you launch the game through MO, it takes just a few seconds to build your virtual data folder for the game to use that include all your mods. You should be running the game, TES5Edit, CK, etc. through MO instead of going into the folder where the executable is located and running it there.


If you have SKSE installed in the correct location, MO should detect that and automatically set up the executable file to be run through MO. You can check this by clicking the "gears" icon at the top of MO, and finding SKSE in the list of executables. Here's what it looks like for me:

Title: SKSE

Binary: H:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\skse_loader.exe

Start in: H:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim


Most likely, your drive letter at the beginning will be different but once you reach the "Steam" folder, it should be the same. Try this and see how it goes, and another thing. Use LOOT to sort your load order, as it needs it badly.


If none of this works for you, I'd recommend watching some tutorials or following the installation procedure in installing Mod Organizer from STEP.

Thank you so much for this! My SKSE was trying to start in steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\skyrim, which is empty. I'e been trying for ages to figure out what was wrong and was completely stumped. Just got rid of the extra 'skyrim' and it runs now! Great post.

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