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Game time not passing during Fast Travel


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Hopefully someone has encountered this before and knows a solution.


I didn't notice when it started happening but nearly no in-game time passes when I use the Fast Travel option. Even when traveling from say Bruma to Anvil only 14 minutes passed, and 14 minutes seems to be the common number it maxes at for most traveling. I disabled all my mods to see if that was causing the problem but the issue still persisted.


I didn't find this issue through searching. It's not game-breaking but it's irritating. Thank you for any assistance.


Edit: Okay it seems time is just running really slow period. I'll do some more sussing out to see what's causing this. If anyone has any ideas let me know. Thank you.

Edited by bruisedooze
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Character speed is 72. The time scale is 1.2 hours for a day with mods (Francesco), and without the mods it's the default rate (0.8 hrs?). Both produced the same effect.


Traveling across Cyrodil used to take around half a day in-game time with fast travel. Dropping down to about 15 minutes is a drastic change.

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The default TimeScale is 30, so game time passes 30x faster than real time. 1 game hour = 60/30 = 2 real minutes. 24 game hours = 24*60/30 = 24*2 = 48 real minutes.


On PC, you can set TimeScale via the developer console...


set TimeScale to 15

  • 1 game hour = 60/15 = 4 real minutes. 1 game day = 24*4 = 96 real minutes (1 hour, 36 minutes)

set TimeScale to 1

  • 1 game hour = 60/1 = 60 real minutes, or 1 real hour. 1 game day = 1 real day. In other words, real time.

I believe fast-travel estimates how much real time it would take you (or your Horse if you're riding it) to walk to the fast-travel point following the roads where possible, given your current Speed attribute (or that of your Horse if you're riding), then multiplies that estimate BY TimeScale to get the elapsed game time to wind the "clock" forward by. At the default TimeScale of 30, if it estimates 10 real minutes to walk from Chorrol to Imperial City, it gets an elapsed game time of 10*30 = 300 game minutes, or 5 game hours, so the "clock" is wound forward BY 5 hours. When you set TimeScale to 1 (real time), fast-travel still estimates 10 real minutes, but ends up with an elapsed game time that matches it (10*1 = 10 game minutes), so the "clock" is wound forward BY 10 minutes.


The jarring difference between fast-travel taking say 6 game hours and walking or riding (slow-travel) being much faster at say 2 game hours destroys any illusion of realism anyway. How did I spend the missing 4 hours?


Was I abducted by aliens? :unsure:

Was I leaning on a fence chewing a grass stalk like a yokel and repeating "Oooooh aaaar! Oi be in Zummerzet, Oi be"? :whistling:

Did I have an bad case of the squitters in the woods (checks Greaves for skid-marks)? :pinch:


This is why many players (like myself) prefer to set TimeScale to 1, so that fast-travel and slow-travel both take the same amount of game time. But this means you lose one of the major illusions that makes the world seem much larger than it really is. You either adapt to it, or hate it. Personally, I adapted. Enemies level with you, so the game is never "too hard". Oblivion is a walk in the park, so it might as well "feel" like it's the size of a park, too! ;)

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Was I abducted by aliens? :unsure:

Was I leaning on a fence chewing a grass stalk like a yokel and repeating "Oooooh aaaar! Oi be in Zummerzet, Oi be"? :whistling:

Did I have an bad case of the squitters in the woods (checks Greaves for skid-marks)? :pinch:


Maybe all of the above? *laughs*


Yeah, once I found out the variable causing it I debated the values with myself. I settled on 10 for myself, so time does not go by too quickly but the passing is perceptible.


One of my mods changes timescale when I start a new character. I'm surprised it took me that long to notice. I suspect it is somehow tied to Francesco's mod and the patch file made from Wrye bash. Francesco time scale was working before, so I may have built the patch wrong. I'm still getting used to Wrye Bash.

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