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Flight Scripting Help !


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Greetings Everyone,


I hope & pray all you scripting experts can help with this ?


Ive been trying to make a flight script for fallout new vegas,to go with the superhero mods that are being released lately (Jetacon72s great work for example).

Basically what im aiming for is something similar to Ashara (akaSydneyB's) fantastic Batman Glide script in FO3. But modifying it so an idle animation is played, when the character isnt moving (the FO3 swimming idle set to loop for example) then when a movement key is pressed (e.g forward) the glide idle is used from Asharas Batman mod. So the player gets a good 'feel ' of flying around.


Trouble is I have zero scripting experience and I mean absolute zero. My modding knowledge is basic at best (retextures, using geck & CS). I thought of just porting the Ashara script but it didnt work so im officially stumped now. Im very willing to learn if some awesome person out there is willing to teach.


I have used Cipscis' amazing website script utility too with no success. So I dont really understand what im doing wrong here :wallbash:


Any help with this would be seriously awesome as im considering putting this project 'on the shelf' so to speak.


Thanks for looking & May the force be with you

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Are you asking for someone to make the script for you? That sounds very complex and if you don't know any scripting then for someone to teach you how to make this script will take a very long time.


You might want to start off with the tutorials on the GECK Wiki and start off with simpler scripts before trying to tackle this.

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Thanks for your reply PaladinRider.


If someone whos experienced in scripting feels like taking over, then im totally cool with that. I mean it doesnt matter who actually writes the script as long as the community can use it right ?


Ive been wanting to improve my modding skills ever since i joined the nexus, so im not going to give up but its progressing at a snails pace :down:

Edited by Darth Bain
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Yeah, I've been playing with modding since 2006, but only released a mod now. I'm also 2nd year programming major and I'm not even sure if I could do that script. I'm far from the level that some of these guys have but it would take me a while to get that script to work, if I could do it at all. Like I said, it's not as easy as it sounds.


EDIT: In my opinion, this is a rather large favour to ask from the forums.. I mean unless someone has it done, it would be almost a whole mod on its own, that the creator would likely just release him/herself then give it to someone else.. Just my opinion though.

Edited by PaladinRider
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Yeah i agree totally, its a huge task to undertake, im gonna work on it for as long as it takes anyway & if someone else releases a flight script in the meantime then everyone wins !!


I think im gonna start with the script ive got and go from there and see what happens :thumbsup:


Thanks for your input too mate

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Hello Anyone ??


Ive made some progress now, ive managed to save everything but my last 2 scripts in geck Cipscis script validator online is telling me that 'AddSpellNS' is an unknown function ?!?! Any suggestions on how to bypass this ?


#Edit changed it to AddSpell & Cipscis script editor says ok, I still cannot save the last 2 scripts though :mad: :down:


Im seriously ready to bash my own head in :wallbash:


Hope someone can help & thanks for looking



Edited by Darth Bain
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Cant help but feel im the only one looking at this topic :whistling:


Heres one of the flight scripts ive got (With many thanks to Ashara (aka SydneyB) But it wont save in NV Geck ?


The other script is the Flight effect (that also wont save ) any help on this would be great !!


Scriptname AFlightScript


;equip the appropriate cape and check if you want to fly


Short FlightKey

Short LandKey

Short Collision

Short TimeAnimation


Begin GameMode

;check if you have NVSE installed. if not, do nothing

Set ANVSETester.ReqVersion to 1

SetStage ANVSETester 0

If NVSETester.Installed == 1 ;NVSE installed


; check if you have the cape equipped. if not, do nothing

If player.GetEquipped SuperCape == 1 ;normal cape equipped


; check if you pressed the key to start flight

If IsKeyPressed 36 AJumpKey != FlightKey

Set FlightKey to FlightKey == 0

If FlightKey ;flight key pressed


; execute the effect of flight

player.AddSpell AFlightEffect


;execute the flight animation if in 3ª person

If IsPC1stPerson == 0

player.CastImmediateOnSelf APlayFlightIdleEffect






;execute the flight animation

If TimeAnimation < 90000

Set TimeAnimation to TimeAnimation + GetSecondsPassed


If IsPC1stPerson == 0

If AChangeVelocity == 1

Player.CastImmediateOnSelf APlayFlightIdleEffect

Set TimeAnimation to 1


Player.CastImmediateOnSelf APlayFlightFastIdleEffect

Set TimeAnimation to 1





; check if you press the land key

If IsKeyPressed 37 ALandKey != LandKey

Set LandKey to LandKey == 0

If LandKey ;pressed land key


; deactivate the effect of flight

player.RemoveSpell AFlightEffect

If IsPC1stPerson == 0

player.CastImmediateOnSelf APlayResetIdleEffect





; check if you have collision and finish the Flight

If Collision == 1


; deactivate the effect of flight

player.RemoveSpell AFlightEffect

If IsPC1stPerson == 0

player.CastImmediateOnSelf APlayResetIdleEffect


Set Collision to 0



EndIf ;finish cape equip

EndIf ;finish NVSE installation




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There is a flight Pack here somewhere, do a search for "Flight" to find it.


Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work for me, I'm not an expert Scripter by any means still learning GECK too, I too would like to see SuperGirl & SuperMan Fly, I've just about completed a Scripting mod to use Radiation as Kryptonite :)

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The syntax of these lines appear to be a problem:


   	If IsKeyPressed 37 ALandKey != LandKey
		Set LandKey to LandKey == 0


I would just change it to the example here: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/IsKeyPressed


if ( LandKey && isKeyPressed LandKey ) ; key still being held down
 return ; wait until it's released
 set LandKey to 0

if ( isKeyPressed 37 )
player.RemoveSpell AFlightEffect
If IsPC1stPerson == 0
	player.CastImmediateOnSelf APlayResetIdleEffect
 set LandKey to 37


Also, since IsKeypressed is an NVSE function, you have NVSE installed and you are launching the Geck with the NVSE loader?

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