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Arasdir - Custom Follower and Your New, (Slightly Strange), Best Friend! (WIP)


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I'm not going to vote because I would be perfectly happy with any of the three options, but I'll give this advice. Do what you think sounds best. Doing the lines yourself has so many advantages that you should only try to get someone else if you really feel it's important to the character (since you're obviously not too shy to do it yourself). Make the character sound the way you want it to sound and don't worry too much about what other people think. You're going to get negative feedback no matter what you do (because some people just like being jerks) but as long as you are happy most users of your mod will be too. My (very slight) preference might be to hear what your recordings were like in just your normal voice. Those samples sound good to me but are also just slightly "off" in some way. That's a problem that would likely go away with either more lines recorded on your part (solidifying the character) or more lines listened to by me (adapting to the character).

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I'm not going to vote because I would be perfectly happy with any of the three options, but I'll give this advice. Do what you think sounds best. Doing the lines yourself has so many advantages that you should only try to get someone else if you really feel it's important to the character (since you're obviously not too shy to do it yourself). Make the character sound the way you want it to sound and don't worry too much about what other people think. You're going to get negative feedback no matter what you do (because some people just like being jerks) but as long as you are happy most users of your mod will be too. My (very slight) preference might be to hear what your recordings were like in just your normal voice. Those samples sound good to me but are also just slightly "off" in some way. That's a problem that would likely go away with either more lines recorded on your part (solidifying the character) or more lines listened to by me (adapting to the character).


Thank you for your feedback! I would like to record the lines myself but I do not have a good enough mic to do so, meaning I cannot get rid of enough of the background noise for it to be top quality in game. I am going to try finding my other mic I have somewhere around my house tomorrow to see if that improves my recordings. I have also reached out to a talented voice actor to see if they can do the voice the way I envision it and are able to have the level of commitment needed. If I end up able to do the lines myself I will still need voice actors because there are other very large roles in the quest line that are continuous characters who are likely to have over 100 lines so it is still good to reach out to voice actors at this point in mod development just to get samples and options to make this mod the best it possibly can be. As for recordings in my normal voice, I will get some done tomorrow, hopefully I can find my good mic headset, if not I'll just re-record those three sample lines with my usual gaming mic.

Edited by AirtightSpring3
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I'm not going to vote because I would be perfectly happy with any of the three options, but I'll give this advice. Do what you think sounds best. Doing the lines yourself has so many advantages that you should only try to get someone else if you really feel it's important to the character (since you're obviously not too shy to do it yourself). Make the character sound the way you want it to sound and don't worry too much about what other people think. You're going to get negative feedback no matter what you do (because some people just like being jerks) but as long as you are happy most users of your mod will be too. My (very slight) preference might be to hear what your recordings were like in just your normal voice. Those samples sound good to me but are also just slightly "off" in some way. That's a problem that would likely go away with either more lines recorded on your part (solidifying the character) or more lines listened to by me (adapting to the character).


Thank you for your feedback! I would like to record the lines myself but I do not have a good enough mic to do so, meaning I cannot get rid of enough of the background noise for it to be top quality in game. I am going to try finding my other mic I have somewhere around my house tomorrow to see if that improves my recordings. I have also reached out to a talented voice actor to see if they can do the voice the way I envision it and are able to have the level of commitment needed. If I end up able to do the lines myself I will still need voice actors because there are other very large roles in the quest line that are continuous characters who are likely to have over 100 lines so it is still good to reach out to voice actors at this point in mod development just to get samples and options to make this mod the best it possibly can be. As for recordings in my normal voice, I will get some done tomorrow, hopefully I can find my good mic headset, if not I'll just re-record those three sample lines with my usual gaming mic.


Oh, I have a list of high quality VAs. If you want to see it, just PM me and I'll link it to you. They all do work on mods.

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Progress Update: I just mapped out my ideas for a Questline known as The Talos Endeavor, which is the branching side quest line that spans from the second quest of Arasdir's story. It involves a total of 5 quests, two of which are completely different ending quests depending on a decision the player must make. Each quest will include options that will help the player with one of the ending quests, so if you play through this questline knowing which side you are on you will have a much easier time with the final quest. I will fully implement the second Arasdir quest before I begin to write dialogue for this questline. So far I have just mapped out it's stages and objectives/story.

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Progress Update: Exciting news! We have some very talented potential voice actors for Arasdir. I will let you know when I have reached an agreement with a voice actor and give you samples to the lines they are recording for the mod. In other news I have created five new NPCs that are used in the second quest and connected them to their lines. Now on to actually making the quest work. I'll keep you updated as I go. Let me know if anyone wants screenshots of anything, I'll put some up of Aras himself soon!

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Alright we've got a fairly large update today! I've finally posted a picture of Arasdir on the front page, so please let me know what you think! Note that right now he is in Nightingale Armor, that is just a placeholder, I am hopefully going to get custom armor made for him before the first release. Over the past few days I spent a total of five or six hours hand creating a new brawl quest. I didn't want to use the vanilla system because it is known to be glitchy without the mod that fixes it, and because I didn't want my mod to conflict with any mods that add brawls via the vanilla brawl quest. This was a difficult process to get refined, but thanks to help from the wonderful Mattiewagg I was able to get this quest up and running. My second quest now has a fully functioning brawl that the player can lose, and the opponent will be tough (especially if you use non-vanilla combat mods). I also am happy to announce that cloudedtruth will be joining the mod as a voice actor for the imperial character Lucret, who also appears in this second quest. So all in all the mod is coming along well, I hope to have the second quest fully implemented without voice by Friday, at which point I will spend the weekend working on more misc dialogue for Arasdir as a follower and writing the script for the third of five quests in the first episode.


That being said I really do value your comments and feedback! I want to know what you as the community thinks, and truth be told every time I see a new comment on this post it brings a little joy to my heart as a modder knowing that somebody is interested in the mod. So please, if you are interested and have anything to say please let me know, I will be happy to answer any and all questions. Also if you are a voice actor please check out my other post, we need five different voice actors for the first quest and that doesn't even include Arasdir! Thanks for reading!


- AirtightSpring3

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I always appreciate well made custom followers, and this one sounds very interesting indeed! Will be on the lookout for when it's available!


Glad to see you are interested! It'll be a while but I am getting a number of great voice actors and the quests are coming along nicely. I just hope everyone hasn't moved onto Fallout 4 by the time it comes out.

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Alright so I haven't progressed as much as I would have liked to this weekend. Quest 2 is giving me more trouble than I thought it would, but it is shaping up to be much better than I thought. There are still a few bugs but I have eliminated a majority of them. I won't be moving on from Quest 2 as soon as I thought because I am going to make custom packages for the NPCs and decorate a few cells to make it seem like they all actually have lives and are integrated into the world of Skyrim. I hope to be able to move on to the packages soon but these last few bugs are taking me hours to sort out, I think I am getting there though. In other news our VA team is growing and I have quite a few people auditioning for parts right now, so stay tuned for more info including the casting of Arasdir!

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