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Arasdir - Custom Follower and Your New, (Slightly Strange), Best Friend! (WIP)


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Thanks once again to the help of Mattiewagg and hours of work I have managed to get Quest 2 up and running and 100% functional. I have to say I am quite happy with the player choice and the multiple available paths. Now I am learning how to build complex NPC packages and will likely spend the next few days doing so. I want each NPC added to have a unique schedule that fits them. I haven't done packages very much before so this might take me a little while, but for example, say a hunter NPC is added, I want him to go roam the woods near his house for a majority of the day. Hopefully this won't be too difficult but as it stands I have about 11 packages to make for NPCs added by the first 2 quests. After I figure out the first few I may move on to other things and try to do a package every day or so for NPCs that are not essential to the quests but are just there to be part of a guild or organization. I have also been working with many talented voice actors to try to find the best fit for each role and I have to say we have some amazing candidates and I hope to find a position for all of them. Hope everyone is having a good week so far and thanks for reading my update :)

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Alright some more news regarding the first "Episode." As some of you may have guessed from my descriptions the first episode revolves around a new guild called the "Brotherhood of Talos." The first release will include 2 quests for Arasdir's story and the first "Episodic Quest-Line" which is a large set of new quests not directly related to Arasdir's main quest but that make up the bulk of the content which will enhance Arasdir's MQ and give the player new rewards and choices. I originally had the base of the "Brotherhood of Talos," set in the ruins of Volskygge, but I just today decided to create a new base of operations from them in a set of Nord Ruins I am creating. I did this to give myself more freedom when editing, so I don't have to edit as many vanilla assets (apart from the exterior cell that connects my ruins to the world), and to give the Brotherhood a more guild-like feel. After I create this cell I am going to do the custom packages I talked about to try to make this first episode seem as much like an enhanced vanilla guild as I can. I should make good progress on this cell over the next few days and I will post pictures when I am content with my work. Thanks to anyone who reads this daily updates, if you have any questions about the mod please ask me, I am always more than happy to talk about any aspect of this mod with you all.

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I haven't done as much as I've wanted this weekend due to midterm studies, but I have been working on more lines and editing lines as I send them to VAs to make sure they are exactly as I want them. I also got the entire skeleton (outline in game) for the headquarters of the new faction that I am adding to the game. Now I just have to furnish/clutter it! I'm hoping to get back into putting 2-3 hours of time a day in on the mod after midterms are over, but until then I'll get done as much as I can on a daily basis after studying is done. Thanks for reading and I hope everyone had a great weekend!

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Alright midterms are over and I am back to work! Still working on the Brotherhood Headquarters, it's tough to make a functioning guild base that looks the way I want so it is taking longer than expected. I've also been working with some great voice actors, writing lines, and planning an absolutely stunning story. I am a one man team for the design side of things (got quite a few very talented VAs on board the team though!) so between trying to make Aras function, quests, and level design I'm moving pretty slowly, taking a day here and a day there to complete a project that pertains to one of the above categories. I am guessing I will spend two more working days on the HQ, I need to navmesh, put the NPCs in and add a cave section to the nordic ruins that fits seamlessly from one room to the next. Expect some pictures on Thursday. After this is done I will go back to packages, put the lines that are recorded in for the first two quests, and go about writing the entire story-line over the next week so my VAs know exactly where this is going. Once I have all this done and have all my lines implemented I'll try to make a trailer for you all, so it will probably be a few weeks. (Maybe sooner but I never know, levels take quite a bit of time for me to make). Anyways thanks for reading this rambling of mine and I hope there are people out there looking forward to this mod, everyone who has voice acted for it so far has done an amazing job bringing the characters to life and I can't wait for you all to see them in game.

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Good luck with your development Airtight! Hope you get a lot of progress before the FO4 release.



Also reached the middle of my semster, and since it's study week I've been just concetrating 100% on developing my mod. Its kind of funny how our mods are developing around the same pace.

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Good luck with your development Airtight! Hope you get a lot of progress before the FO4 release.



Also reached the middle of my semster, and since it's study week I've been just concetrating 100% on developing my mod. Its kind of funny how our mods are developing around the same pace.


Thanks, good luck to you as well with your work on Enid! I'll have to do a play through of Skyrim with both our followers when all is finished. :)

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Here are the pictures for the "Brotherhood of Talos." I'm fairly happy with how it turned out, but I may do some tweaking in the future. The cell is fully navmeshed and the actors are in place, without packages at the moment. I'll spend the next few days on story writing, then move to packaging.















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