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Well, the Nexus hosts mods for games. I can't help you much with Dragon Age, but I know about the rest. First, you have to find a mod you like. You can use the search bar if there's anything you want in particular. For example, if you want a castle home, try typing castle into the bar and setting it to the Player Owned Homes category. From there I suggest you sort by endorsements or downloads because they tend to give you the best ones (Sometimes there's a good mod buried in the bottom that nobody remembers, though, so give them a chance!).


Once you've found a good mod, you can look through screenshots, read comments, and download it. First read the entire readme or description to make sure there's nothing wrong with it or special installation instructions or incompatibilities. Once you're ready, go to the Files tab and click on the main file for the mod. It will be downloaded. Most mods are saved in a .zip, .rar, or .7z file. You need a program to unpack these. Once you have the thing downloaded and opened, you can install it as per the instructions on this forum page. Happy modding!

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Welcome to our humble abode! We love to talk about game here obviously and then mods too. Pretty much as ub3rman123 said. Look forward to seeing you around!
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First, please read the rules. I have lost count of the number of people I have banned who 'assume' they can say or do whatever they want. Then scream about how unfair it is because they didn't know. :rolleyes:


Biggest offense - anything to do with piracy - we just do not tolerate it here. If you want help with or want to talk about pirated games, or discuss it in any way - go somewhere else. :thumbsup:


Now that I have got that done, http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-signs046.gif

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