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Is there a mod out there somewhere...


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I am looking for a mod that may or may not be out there as of yet, but if not it should be hehe. I played my last character on the "evil" side of things and chose the Legion path for her but I was extremely disappointed at the outfits mainly the skirt portion where they used cloth inside of strips of leather like a real Roman Legionnaire would where. This is not a request for one >.< if i find that no one has undertaken it i may attempt it myself or post the actual request in the proper forum. Right now i am just trying to find something that looks similar to this




or maybe even this one :)




It just kinda kills my mood (immersion i guess you could call it) when i see how the Devs sidestepped this in the making of the Legion and just chose the cloth skirt

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:) the football pads i would be ok with if it weren't for the skirt, I mean i can understand why they would use the football pads since there are quite a few out there and can be found in any school or sports store (i can kinda understand the skirt out of convenience) But I have seen very few pictures if any of a roman Legion that doesn't have some kind of leather straps hanging :dry: So if they got the Idea out of a book somewhere then it would have some form of straps hanging...
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Well i will take no response as there is none out there so I will see what i can come up with at some point :D
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Ok well this is what i have come up with, I am working on all the Default Male versions and then will make some for the RMF, I have already noticed that i will have to darken it up a bit as it mismatches the armour right now




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