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The rest of Mundus


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There seems to be tons of stuff concerning Tamriel. But Tamriel is just ONE continent on the planet Mundus. I've been thinking of Tamriel as being about the size of Australia, but North of the Equator rather than South of it. If the landmass of Mundus is approximately equivalent to Earth, then there's six more continents-worth out there. I've noted mention of Atmora as being where humanity came from to colonize Tamriel. Which makes me wonder, why did emigrate? What was so bad about Atmora that an entire migration seem like the right thing to do? Disaster? (Like what happened in Morrowind.) Overcrowding? Exhausted resources? What??? And given that Atmora wasn't totally depopulated, just what has been going on there for the last 5,000 years? You would think that in all that time there would have been at least a few visits from people from the Old Continent. Heck, if there could be an entire mass migration using the sailing vessels from 5,000 years ago, the East Empire Company should be having regular trade runs set up between the two continents.


Atmora would be just ONE other continent keeping Tamriel company on the planet. What are the other continents like? Like the current Atmorans, why haven't we noted any visitations, expeditions, or delegations? Where's Mundus' versions of Leif Ericson, Marco Polo, Zheng He, John Cabot, Francisco Pizarro, Hernan Cortes, Ferdinand Magellan, Hernando de Soto, et al? It's only natural for intelligent beings, nations, and empires to want to see what lies just over the horizon. Where are they?

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Atmora was slowly freezing. If you'll allow OOG content it wasn't just simply getting colder there, but time actually stopped progressing.

Yokuda, the ancient home of the Redguards, was devastated in a war, when one Swordsinger accidently splitted a few Atoms too many.

The Sea Elves inhabit Pyanodnea, which seems to be an island atoll, and rarely interact with the Tamrielic races.

Kingdom Thras, home to the Sloads, is built into a gigantic coral reef.

The only other major continent ever mentioned is Akavir, where weird serpent/dragon/monkey-shaped creatures have killed and eaten all men. They have attempted to invade Tamriel a few times and effortlessly repelled an invasion by Imperial forces during the 3rd era.

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Nice to know something is going on with the rest of the world. Still, as time passes, people get to wondering if things may have altered dramatically during the long interim.


[chuckle] Perverse thought. The Dweomer disappeared to the other side of the planet. There they built up an all-encompassing, self-sustaining Steampunk empire and has since advanced to the Atomic Era level of tech while still having access to Magic. Recognizing just how primitive Tamriel has remained, it placed it under quarantine 2,000 years ago. Nobody goes in, and nobody gets out. Tamriel is actually a continent-sized wildlife preserve.

Edited by CaptainPatch
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[chuckle] Perverse thought. The Dweomer disappeared to the other side of the planet.



That's where Lyg is. Sorta. Less other side of the planet and more other side of the scroll... We know next to nothing about it, asside from it being more Science-Fiction Fantasy to Tamriel's Fantasy Science Fiction...


Anywho, the last expedition to Atmora in the middle of the 3rd Era found it almost entirely devoid of life, and with no Human or Mer inhabitants remaining.


Yokuda sank, at least most of it did, triggering the massive exodus of the Yokudans to Tamriel, where they became the Redguard. Island remnants of it remain, and are at least partially inhabited, though in the early 3rd Era were mostly a haven for Pirates and Corsairs.


Akavir is... well, Akavir. We don't really know much about it, beyond vague descriptions of its races. We don't know how big it is, how it's nations are arranged, or even really what it's people look like.


On the whole... Tamriel is Europe in the 14th and 15th century. They know the rest of the world exists, but they aren't overly familiar with them.


Add to this the weirder notions about Nirn and it's existence, and... well... there's a reason that Tamriel is the focus, because it is the present.

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Mundus is not a planet. Mundus is the name of the plain of existance in which the planet Nirn is located. Tamriel is a continent on the planet Nirn.

Thanks for clarifying that! I keep on confusing those two because I tend to try to connect it to the Norse multi-plane model of a single world-universe contained in the World Tree, Yggdrasil. (Asgard, Alfheim, Midgard, Svarthalfheim, etc.)


So, Nirn. Gotta keep remembering that.....

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