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Cloak spell fortify health


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1. Create a magic effect with the following attributes:

Effect Archetype: Peak Value Modifier

Casting Type: Concentration

Delivery: If you want to use projectile art, Aimed, otherwise Contact.

Associated Item 1: Health

Associated Item 2: Any magic effect keywords you don't want this effect to stack with.

Flags: Recover, No Area


2. Create a new spell and add your effect to it.

Magnitude: Whatever you like

Duration: 1 second


3. Create a new magic effect with the following attributes:

Effect Archetype: Cloak
Delivery: Self
Associated Item 1: The spell you created in step 2
Flags: No Area
4. Create a new spell, power, lesser power, voice power, or ability.
Magnitude: The area of your cloak
Flags: Area Effect Ignores LOS
This spell will affect enemies and allies alike. If you want to affect only allies, add a condition to the fortify health effect:
IsHostile [target] == 0
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1. Create a magic effect with the following attributes:

Effect Archetype: Peak Value Modifier

Casting Type: Concentration

Delivery: If you want to use projectile art, Aimed, otherwise Contact.

Associated Item 1: Health

Associated Item 2: Any magic effect keywords you don't want this effect to stack with.

Flags: Recover, No Area


2. Create a new spell and add your effect to it.

Magnitude: Whatever you like

Duration: 1 second


3. Create a new magic effect with the following attributes:

Effect Archetype: Cloak
Delivery: Self
Associated Item 1: The spell you created in step 2
Flags: No Area
4. Create a new spell, power, lesser power, voice power, or ability.
Magnitude: The area of your cloak
Flags: Area Effect Ignores LOS
This spell will affect enemies and allies alike. If you want to affect only allies, add a condition to the fortify health effect:
IsHostile [target] == 0


Thank you!!


Its working but its acting like constant regeneration rather than a static bonus to HP, thoughts?


I switched to damage/magic resist but it dose not seem to work, I think the detrimental flag reduces the value not raises it but I am unsure.

Edited by ZippyDSMlee
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Yes, detrimental causes the magnitude to damage the attribute rather than fortify it.

I think I might have hit the limit on what I can do with spells I got damage/magic resistance set kinda right but weakness to fire dose not seem to work right.


Heres what I am working with, I am trying to set damage/magic resistance high, and set weakness to fire up really high to offset the adjustment in magic resistance.




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Bare in mind that magic resistance will be applied before fire resistance, so if you have 75% magic resistance and 100% weakness to fire you will still only take 50% damage from a fire spell.


To make a weakness to fire effect, just do the same as above but choose Fire Resistance for associated item 1 of the magic effect you create and check the detrimental flag.

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Bare in mind that magic resistance will be applied before fire resistance, so if you have 75% magic resistance and 100% weakness to fire you will still only take 50% damage from a fire spell.


To make a weakness to fire effect, just do the same as above but choose Fire Resistance for associated item 1 of the magic effect you create and check the detrimental flag.

I think they are conflicting with each other because no matter how high I set weakness to fire it dose not want to work.


What’s the conditional I should use to turn off magic resistance when a target is on fire?

I thought

keyword magicdamagefire <= or


keyword hasflames <= or


would do the trick but I have a setting off I guess.


My thought process is apply weaknesstofire when on fire and turn off magicdamage resistance when on fire, would that help make it weaker to fire without getting it confuised??

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