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Cloak spell fortify health


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HasMagicEffectKeyword MagicDamageFire == 0


Bare in mind that the magic resistance will only be shut off if the magic effect lasts for more than a second, and the initial fire damage still be affected by the magic resistance.

BTW thanks for all the help!!



I managed to get it to work last night by first moving the undead conditionals to the magic effect, I put "MagicDamageFire >= 1 and" in the spell conditional , Skyrim be fickle yo!


I really wish I could give undead damage mod perks, that worked alot better as far as mechanics goes, is there no way other way to reduce damage done by spells and physical damage? I can do it via giving the player a perk, then maybe use the trap keywords and some sort of health or damage block to prevent or lower damage from traps. I dunno I need to tweak this more.

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There is absolutely no reason that a fortify health effect would disable damage. Are you SURE your fortify health effect is using PEAK value modifier and has recover checked?

See the pic.



I have fort health on and working fine (albeit it makes HP bars frozen until the extra HP is worn down) . Drain health with "haskeyword magicdamagefire == 1 and" will only work when fortify health is removed.





for all the testing I did I was sure the drain health was working with the "== 1 and" but its not it works as it should with no conditionals so I know its working but it with the magicdamagefire flag it should only work when something is on fire....

Edited by ZippyDSMlee
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No for the fortify health effect. Maybe I am the one who is confused.

I can do that (confuse people) LOL


I got fortify to work fine, but the extra drain health on fire attacks thing I am trying to do is not working since weakness to fire is not working well enough, I'd thought I'd doll out extra damage on magicdamagefire laced attacks..

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The way you have it set up, the target of the spell will lose x health per second for the duration and then it will all be restored when the duration ends (since you have recover checked).

Mmmmm I tried it and it did not seem to work, anyway I am working with a fresh save since my last ones seemed to be more bugy. I've now got everything set how I like it albeit for health, fortify health puts to much off screen so I am trying to emulate how trolls heal but stop healing when on fire, or something to that effect..



I've tried peak value and value modifier,ect you'd think I'd have no trouble with it by now ><



and I have it working now just won't turn off during fire attacks....mmmmm



made a thread to go over everything and weed out my issues.



Edited by ZippyDSMlee
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