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Fallout 4 scepticism...


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It concludes that Fallout fans will like it which should be good enough for people here.

Probably, I will >probably< like it, too. But I dislike making any judgements before I've actually tried it.



I'll no doubt play it death, I'm still going to wait though, I don't want it spoiled by bugs and crashes, I won't have to wait too long, a quick glance at the tech help board or Steam forum will tell me if it's stable or not.

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It concludes that Fallout fans will like it which should be good enough for people here.

Probably, I will >probably< like it, too. But I dislike making any judgements before I've actually tried it.



I'll no doubt play it death, I'm still going to wait though, I don't want it spoiled by bugs and crashes, I won't have to wait too long, a quick glance at the tech help board or Steam forum will tell me if it's stable or not.


I can't speak for the PC version as of yet but the console players I know have so far (between 3-10 hours into the game) have not encountered a shitload of bugs and not too many heavy ones. The ones I saw yesterday was being flinged around for no apparent reason and dying because of it (it only happened one time) and a bug where the animation for entering the PA didn't work (it did when he got out of it and did the next time, though).


If people are interested, I'll do a log when I start playing.

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I'll be content if I don't get heavy stutters as I did sometimes with FNV and semi-random CTDs or mucked up quests that don't even work after a reload (fortunately rarely ever encountered this one). Cell issues were most likely due to mods so I don't think that's gonna be an issue fom the get-go, same with wonky textures from retextures.

Oh yeah, I think I may have seen that too but I don't notice that too much since I don't play much with companions unless I really like them.

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WursWaldo: No, you were falsely presenting theories as facts based on 2nd hand information and then trying to back your position with social standing while attacking and attempting to discredit this community in the same breath. That's trolling.


I'm skeptical about their decisions to completely ignore any game mechanics changes done by Obsidian and the modding community... I'm skeptical of them asking SKYRIM players opinions about Fallout when they are two completely separate franchises. I'm skeptical of design decisions and their seeming attempt to make Fallout into something it was never intended to be on any level. We'll have to wait until the official release before we can really say how we feel about what they've done, and I hope people speak loudly with their pocketbook as well as their mouths and do it in a way which doesn't come off as just crying.

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For me to even consider buying this game, I am going to have to know a lot about the game mechanics because I just don't trust Bethesda and historically I've found their games to be pretty terrible unmodded. Skyrim isn't even enjoyable to me with mods.


If the game doesn't have the following, there is just nothing for me:


  • Deeper quest and world interaction. Being able to kill or influence quest NPCs, and quests that change as a result, and locations that change depending on events in the world. I'm sick and tired of Bethesda's lazy uncreative quest design.
  • Skill checks. Since skills were removed I don't see how this could possibly be in the game.
  • Detailed ending slides like New Vegas. I don't care about being able to play after the end. I never do anyway. But if there aren't detailed slides, forget it.
  • Factions like New Vegas. I don't want to be forced into being the 'good' guy again, and I don't want the factions to be clearly black & white either.
  • Dangerous world areas. You shouldn't be able to go anywhere you want from the start of the game. There is a feeling of accomplishment and reward when you finally reach the strength to take on tough areas than you could before.




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I'm well aware of what an ENB is and what it does, I just don't see how that point is in any way relevant to the point you were trying to make regarding animations and somesuch. Yeah, no s*** ENBs and other visual effects don't make animations look good. But whether or not they do is again - not an objective criteria. Just like whether or not the effects applied by an ENB are "aesthetic" or not. Unless you gan give me a good, objective definition of "fluid animations" I can't really take that as anything else than "I don't like X". Which is fine, just not a point to make a discussion about.

I'm saying that adding graphic options that can easily be injected by 3rd party tool is hardly an achievement, more like lazy job. If you don't see difference between character movements and destruction model of latest BF or Crysis games compared to FO3/NV and most likely FO4 than I don't know what to say... I don't see any objectiveness here, it's just plain simple quality level...


When was Gothic ever as popular as Beth games? Gothic also had some of the most incoherent and terrible dialogue I've ever seen in any game. Who says that? Have you done any polls?

4 games in Gothic franchise + 3 Risen titles (spiritual successor) should tell you that much vs. 5 TES games aside from some small knockoffs. There's damand and pretty huge fanbase.


I never said I didn't play most open world games, I said I didn't play GTA V specifically. I played Far Cry 3 (which you could give one of the Skyrim criticisms: terrible one-dimensional characters, redundant choices, inauthentic characters, borderline racist tropes) and Far Cry 4 (better characters, still tropey - insignificant story) and I'd honestly not view these games as much more an RPG than any Fallout game - you could make the same argument here that people turn against Fallout - it's just a shooter with RPG elements. I've also played Fable and the limitations of your choices (particularly in later games) got pretty slim. The latest Saints Row is no less "linear" than any Fallout game, it has a bunch of "activities" and "challenges like AC but if you take that away there's not much else interesting going in terms of interaction with the world if you ask me. AC also has one of the most repetetive gameplay concepts of any game ever. How Mass Effects gets in there? If we're going to compare FO4 to ME why not compare other games to ME? I mean a limited scope of choices and their relevance (Far Cry), one-dimensional morality concepts (Fable), borderline offensive tropes (Far Cry) and I could go on and write you an essay about that.

That's misunderstanding, my bad. I meant linearity as not-openworld-game with restricted enviroments (like CoD), it has same meaning as far as I know. And with this post you basically compared new Fallout games to those Shooters and 3D Actions. Also my point that Beth doesn't hold monopoly over Sandbox is pretty clear now I hope? Since there are lots of them, and we don't talk preferences.


"Common knowledge" is not really an argument, that's an appeal to the masses (i.e. a logical fallacy) Yes, they set a standard in their time. So what? Standards change all the time and who says that any standard is universal?

Standart is pretty much universal, otherwise games wouldn't have any genre descriptions. For example: Pillar of Eternity follow IE games in its steps, has every genre feature of its predecessors thus it branded classic rope-playing game (cRPG in short). Also there are Shooters and Actions with RPG elements, and since Fallout obviously can't be compared to those classics in any way, it cannot be branded cRPG, that's it. On games with RPG elements note, basically most games can be set under this genre, even those, which might ridiculously not seem to be, like CoD Black Ops.


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