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when will the starwars mod come out


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I've removed your other thread. Please don't double post topics, it's spam (see the rules for more info).


Also, you might want to elaborate just what "starwars mod" you're talking about. ;)

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Switch you find a lot of people not following those rules ;) . PIZZA what starwars mod are you talking about and for what game...

Me too, but I can't make a post or it counts as vigilantism.


Do you mean this?


If so, that project has been abandoned.

I'm pretty sure there are more star wars projects out there. It's too popular not to have any.

We'll see. If there won't be a TC, there will be lightsabers, if there aren't any already. If there'll be another TC... Well... TC's survival chances seem rather low to me. (Go Project Serpent!)

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