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Class name Ideas?

st delyn

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Well let's see:


Combat: Paladin, Fighter, Chevalier (that's Knight in french ;) ), Bersek, Bicepts


Magic: Mage, Sorcerer, Wizard, Spell Caster, Magius, Black/White/Red Mage


Stealth: Silent Pad, Shadow Foot, Secret Agent, Order of Secrecy, Royal Assassin :P


I think some of those classes names already exist (Wizard) but if I'm not mistaken you can still create a custom class and name it that way.

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I'll just suggest a name, since it's ultimately up to each player to pick and choose what they best see fit (roleplaying or power-leveling).


Harbinger. It's the closest medieval/fantasy equivalent of an airborne paratrooper I can think of. You secure a position and hold it until more heavily-armed troops manage to catch up with you, a task that requires innovation and skill.


Ideally an harbinger will secure a village without incident, but you have to imagine what fast-moving, lightly-armed troops would have to face if they found their destination in the hands of enemy harbingers, who then had to take or hold the village until the rest of their army showed up.


The Battle of Gettysburg, in the American Civil War, started in a similar matter (Confederate foragers sent ahead to Gettysburg encountered Buford's dismounted cavalry who ran ahead of Meade to secure the town, and the sound of gunfire drew both armies in).

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I created a custom class for my magical companion, Rhianna. I called it "Goddess" since that fits the concept I was going for. Here's how it looks:


-- Primary Attributes: Willpower and Agility

-- Specialization: Magic

-- Major Skills: Restoration, Destruction, Alteration, Marksman, Blade, Sneak, Light Armor

And I created a combat class to go with it (GoddessCombat) because I wanted to force her to use ranged magic for combat.


Rhianna, Goddess Companion 1.1



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My character has a custom evil/stealth/magic class I call "Soul Hunter." Yes, I have captured over one hundred souls. :P I forgot the major skills, and I don't feel like checking because that would involve DOING something; I can't have that...
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My character has a custom evil/stealth/magic class I call "Soul Hunter." Yes, I have captured over one hundred souls. :P I forgot the major skills, and I don't feel like checking because that would involve DOING something; I can't have that...


Thats a shame I would like to know which skills you have for your character as I'm trying to come up with a evil/stealth character myself :(


The character I have a the moment has a custom class call Bone Crusher, as I use warhammers and axes to go killing.

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Thats a shame I would like to know which skills you have for your character as I'm trying to come up with a evil/stealth character myself :(


The character I have a the moment has a custom class call Bone Crusher, as I use warhammers and axes to go killing.


Although it meant having to get off my @$$, I decided to be nice:

> Soul Hunter:

> Attributes:

> Willpower (to strengthen destruction and restoration)

> Agility (to strengthen marksman, security, and sneak)

> Skills:

> Destruction (for offensive magic)

> Mysticism (for soul trap and life detection)

> Restoration (for self healing and skill absorbing)

> Light Armour (for protection :P )

> Marksman (for sneak attacks (I feel bows are better than blades))

> Security (for picking locks :ohmy: )

> Sneak (for...uh...I'm not entirely sure... :happy: )

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I had a pure archer character, but the build wasn't too good, still working on a good build for him....


Class Name: Marksman

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Thats a shame I would like to know which skills you have for your character as I'm trying to come up with a evil/stealth character myself :(


The character I have a the moment has a custom class call Bone Crusher, as I use warhammers and axes to go killing.


Although it meant having to get off my @$$, I decided to be nice:

> Soul Hunter:

> Attributes:

> Willpower (to strengthen destruction and restoration)

> Agility (to strengthen marksman, security, and sneak)

> Skills:

> Destruction (for offensive magic)

> Mysticism (for soul trap and life detection)

> Restoration (for self healing and skill absorbing)

> Light Armour (for protection :P )

> Marksman (for sneak attacks (I feel bows are better than blades))

> Security (for picking locks :ohmy: )

> Sneak (for...uh...I'm not entirely sure... :happy: )


Thanks for looking :) :)

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