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DLC Mounts Bug


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Same problem, on a pirated version too, and before you ask, yes, I modded the game, almost right off the bat. (I just didn't like Origin's constant update)

At first I thought it was a problem with the pirated version, and perhaps it was the incompatibilty of using my old save game from my legit version on the pirated version. But now I'm certain it wasn't that.

After going through the posts, I'm going to wager a guess and say that it's a problem with using save games from old patches. With that in mind, I'm going to ask if anyone has started a new game with the lastest patch and IS having this problem. That might narrow this problem down a bit more.


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Just ran into this problem myself, after picking the game back up after a few months. I've only added a couple mods that I didn't have before (when I didn't have any problem), and none of them should affect mounts at all (a couple hair mods and an inventory-expanding mod). This playthrough is completely brand new, so the problem isn't from trying to use an old save with the new patch.

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Anyone can submit another bug notice to BioWare if desired, (they do already have this one.) But as the problem has only occurred for players who had modded their games, (don't say, "But I removed all my mods!" That's not the same.) there's even less reason for them to worry about it.


And in any case, BioWare is no longer actively working on DAI. There will be no new patches or other materials from the devs. Period.

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I had the same problem. The game kept crashing when I called my barded charger. I never tried with any of the others. But I managed to solve my problem by removing my merged/modded patch. Then deleting the Deluxe files, containing the DLC mounts (haven't tried with the Spoils DLC mounts). Then I reinstalled said Deluxe files from Origins and merged a new patch with the mods I wanted. It works now.


I couldn't imagine the mods being a problem - as they only modified some weapons. But I recall removing a, I imagine, more script heavy mod months ago - maybe that was the problem. Perhaps remnants of that mod remained in the merged patch? I have no idea - DAI and modding don't really go well hand in hand.

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Yeah, every single player reporting problems with DLC mounts had modded their game.

Every. Single. One.


So there's definitely something going on there...



Glad you got it sorted. :thumbsup:

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  • 1 month later...

EDIT: Fixed! Replace all "mounts_sp" files in Merged/Data/Win32 with the ones in Patch/Data/Win32, assuming you're not using any modular mounts. No freeze, mount shows up as intended, and so far, my mods work just the same as they did before.

Edited by MusicalDeity
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  • 2 months later...
  On 11/2/2016 at 10:32 PM, MusicalDeity said:

EDIT: Fixed! Replace all "mounts_sp" files in Merged/Data/Win32 with the ones in Patch/Data/Win32, assuming you're not using any modular mounts. No freeze, mount shows up as intended, and so far, my mods work just the same as they did before.


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