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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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To all of those who are complaining about a ruined game or saves destroyed or having no ample warning about the possibility of all of the above:


You were all warned, several times, in several locations.

If you didn't take the necessary precautions of backing up your saves, mods and game data, that's YOUR fault and nobody else's.

If you didn't read ANY of the posts about the new updates, that are ALWAYS on the FRONT page, that's your fault.

That's why I backed up aALL my current saves on a DIFFERENT hard drive, backed up all my CURRENT mods to a different hard drive, and read through BOTH posts by the moderators about the 1/2 of a percent chance that something could go wrong including A, B, And C issues.


Hell, I archive old and new saves and make a periodic backup of my mods because of something that may or may not go wrong. And with such a complex game, why wouldn't I?


And right now, it's installing my mods. Do I expect a perfect upgrade? No. If i get a perfect upgrade, major Kudos to the entire Nexus staff/team.

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In response to post #28829074.

Cylon123 wrote: This post made me realize that NexusMods is filled with idiots. If admins released an update, and it messed my game, i would NEVER blame them.Even if i had to reinstall all the mods for 3 days straight, i'd be cool with it, they invested/ and are still investing so much time in making this site and program more useful, and all you people do is b!tch about it.
I think 20% of you people read the warning and said:"Whatever, its a new update i have to install it"
and 50 % just went with it without even reading it and 30 % read it and saw the potential dangers for them and declined (like me).
Whats even better is that people with 400+ mods aren't pissed, they will just silently reinstall all the mods, but people with 100- mods are outraged by this and are instantly sending death threats to good people at NexusMods.

Think about what i just wrote and stop flaming admins because of spilled milk.

"Whats even better is that people with 400+ mods aren't pissed, they will just silently reinstall all the mods, but people with 100- mods are outraged by this and are instantly sending death threats to good people at NexusMods."

LMAO! I know, right? I've got 174 mods and took all necessary precautions: mod and save backup.
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I really don't understand why every single comment I make in this discussion keeps getting deleted. All I can do is continue to express my displeasure towards the amount of contemptuous schaudenfreude aimed at individuals who were adversely affected by this update. The fact that you would attempt to lord your own perceived superiority over others because you happened to not make the same mistake or that you "knew better" says far more about you and your mental heath than it does about individuals who are upset with the update.



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I am going to wait for a bit before getting new ver NMM. I use NMM to mostly just install mods...Mostly. I use Wrye Bash to run my game and have some mods for Skyrim that are BAIN installed Yes for the same game saves and Character. I also have mods for Skyrim that were from 11-11-11 in the early days of all this that were installed manually as mostly textue/mesh mods but as time went on the became .esp/.esm mods and were manually installed. Then of course there are mods that I had to change or only use certain parts of that were added manually. I know that these will not go well because even though NMM see the esp I am sure it does not KNOW the mod which it did not install.


I never used NMM for any other game, just Skyrim. I am glad that My morrowing, Oblivion, Fallout, etc. were set up with other managers in the days before NMM. So I only have the one game to fret over here. I will not jump blindly in now that I have seen all these articles and posts. For I know because of my way of installling my game it will not go smoothly. I know this and it would be my fault if NMM messed me up.


I think I will BACK UP my game folder, Saves Folder, Applivcation Data, my Wrye install folders, and NMM install folders just in case again and suggest that everyone do so first so you can put it back that way it was if fail. But I will not install for some time. It is best to wait for when I feel I will have hours and hours to reinstall or restore and troubleshoot.


I really appreciate the NMM team Devs that are working to improve this free tool that has helped us all in our gaming world. Kudos to them and may they get this working well for us all. Thank you to you.


All of the frustration you see here is because we all love our games and what they do for us to take us away from our regular workaday lives. It can become our place away from crap. SO we get very stressed out when the game we have spent hours upon hours modding and playing gets messed up. Even if we know in our heart of hearts that it was never the intention of the Dev team at Nexus to have that happen. Afterall they are us. They do this because they love gaming like we do.


Just my 2cents. Thanks NMM Team. I know anything new takes time and patience. (I am system admin and get bitched at by users all the time) You will get there.



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I jumped right in headfirst as soon as the Alpha was up on the Nexus and I have not had any issues except for a couple random, non-repeatable crashes. Great work guys. I hope you perma-banned anyone who sent death threats. What a bunch of cowards. You all do a fantastic job and your work is highly appreciated.
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Please explain what your version of profiling is, what you want profiling to do, and why you need to include it in NMM.


I see profiling as a tool for commercialism and an invasion of privacy.


The beauty of NMM and the Nexus sites was that they were enthusiast built, not for commercial gain. The pursuit of money mutilates art.

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I run around 140 mods and tangled it up when I risked the update. The problems I could trace were because of changes I made to the game folder, or edits/ tweaks I made without documentation. It took me 3 hours to rebuild my large save, but I read the warnings and poked the bear anyway. I don't care how long you test it or how stable you make it, I will find the auto destruct sequence. Thanks for all the work! :)


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In response to post #28829074. #28829199 is also a reply to the same post.

Cylon123 wrote: This post made me realize that NexusMods is filled with idiots. If admins released an update, and it messed my game, i would NEVER blame them.Even if i had to reinstall all the mods for 3 days straight, i'd be cool with it, they invested/ and are still investing so much time in making this site and program more useful, and all you people do is b!tch about it.
I think 20% of you people read the warning and said:"Whatever, its a new update i have to install it"
and 50 % just went with it without even reading it and 30 % read it and saw the potential dangers for them and declined (like me).
Whats even better is that people with 400+ mods aren't pissed, they will just silently reinstall all the mods, but people with 100- mods are outraged by this and are instantly sending death threats to good people at NexusMods.

Think about what i just wrote and stop flaming admins because of spilled milk.
MDeckman wrote: "Whats even better is that people with 400+ mods aren't pissed, they will just silently reinstall all the mods, but people with 100- mods are outraged by this and are instantly sending death threats to good people at NexusMods."

LMAO! I know, right? I've got 174 mods and took all necessary precautions: mod and save backup.

Lol and I thought that I was the only one, I create save back ups all the time for my games, heck I even archive my favorite mods that I downloaded here in the nexus and on other modding sites even though nmm already saves the mods in the specified folder where it saves downloaded mods. and yesterday, I was dead tired from work when I logged onto my computer, open my browser and checked nexus for any new mods that might interest me. Found one, opened the nmm, then the auto update prompted me if I wanted to update, then I updated, then the new nmm's pop up text opened, I was just to tired to read, so dahyum, I messed my game up lol.

I ain't like other people that complains that something free messes up their game, and alas, nmm and a lot of the mods we get are free... I download mods, and endorse them to show my appreciation on their work and helping the game more fun.

People needs to be more appreciative rather than yapping and crying for what they did wrong when upgrading, updating or installing a mod and third party software, its all trial and error, and honestly, I'd rather have trials and error rather than having the developers who made the games a lot more fun stop making things more convenient for us gamers. If they do stop, then I guess the only ones to blame are us that who did not supported them and thrash talked at them and etc...
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In response to post #28829074. #28829199, #28833099 are all replies on the same post.

Cylon123 wrote: This post made me realize that NexusMods is filled with idiots. If admins released an update, and it messed my game, i would NEVER blame them.Even if i had to reinstall all the mods for 3 days straight, i'd be cool with it, they invested/ and are still investing so much time in making this site and program more useful, and all you people do is b!tch about it.
I think 20% of you people read the warning and said:"Whatever, its a new update i have to install it"
and 50 % just went with it without even reading it and 30 % read it and saw the potential dangers for them and declined (like me).
Whats even better is that people with 400+ mods aren't pissed, they will just silently reinstall all the mods, but people with 100- mods are outraged by this and are instantly sending death threats to good people at NexusMods.

Think about what i just wrote and stop flaming admins because of spilled milk.
MDeckman wrote: "Whats even better is that people with 400+ mods aren't pissed, they will just silently reinstall all the mods, but people with 100- mods are outraged by this and are instantly sending death threats to good people at NexusMods."

LMAO! I know, right? I've got 174 mods and took all necessary precautions: mod and save backup.
orb1akatsuki wrote: Lol and I thought that I was the only one, I create save back ups all the time for my games, heck I even archive my favorite mods that I downloaded here in the nexus and on other modding sites even though nmm already saves the mods in the specified folder where it saves downloaded mods. and yesterday, I was dead tired from work when I logged onto my computer, open my browser and checked nexus for any new mods that might interest me. Found one, opened the nmm, then the auto update prompted me if I wanted to update, then I updated, then the new nmm's pop up text opened, I was just to tired to read, so dahyum, I messed my game up lol.

I ain't like other people that complains that something free messes up their game, and alas, nmm and a lot of the mods we get are free... I download mods, and endorse them to show my appreciation on their work and helping the game more fun.

People needs to be more appreciative rather than yapping and crying for what they did wrong when upgrading, updating or installing a mod and third party software, its all trial and error, and honestly, I'd rather have trials and error rather than having the developers who made the games a lot more fun stop making things more convenient for us gamers. If they do stop, then I guess the only ones to blame are us that who did not supported them and thrash talked at them and etc...

No no, you're definitely not the only one. I do the same: i archive mods and saves because it shows the progress and I'm a digital pack rat.
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To Mr Dark0ne , just a reminder that some of us are computer "users", not programmers. that is why I blindly down load your guys stuff, I have been computer blind from birth. 99% of the time it all works great and my down time is fun. I love your site and all the enjoyment your programs have given me. I am smart enough not to put death threats to people that could infect my computer with stuff that would get me 20 - life, I watch CIS also. So, Thanks for what you guys do.
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