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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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In response to post #29157714. #29164574, #29169754, #29180264, #29192034 are all replies on the same post.

Calystar wrote:

Edit; i found the responses in the post from the front page.


Also, i m going to buy fallout 4 in the next mounth.


Someone know another mod manager that wont f*#@ up my ssd with exessive write and that will be compatible with fallout 4?

jpitner wrote: I use Mod Organizer and have gone into the settings to save all my downloads that were stored on my SSD to one of my regular drives and this cleared a lot of space on the SSD. I am hoping MO will also work for my Fallout 4.
PoisonerKA wrote: Your SSD should be fine.
Belfaborac wrote: Why not just use both the old and new NMM side by side? The old one for all current games, the new one for FO4 and other future games?
MDeckman wrote: SSDs have a lot of I/O operations. Ignore most of what people say.

It's long, but I encourage you to read it all. The samsung 840 Pro series survived pver 2 PB or Petabytes of read/write operations.



I have been running a 1T 1,0 SSD raid with 4 Toshiba 512's for almost 2 years now. It's my ONLY HD and there hasn't even been an logged error to my knowledge. Get with the 21st century - HDDs are tomorrow's floppies. Progress marches on........

Edit: I really question the necessity of the multi drive capability focus for this update. The SSD HDD cusp we are on right now will be past in 2 or 3 years as EVERYTHING will be solid state by then. They are cooler faster and cheaper than platters. Dependability was mostly an issue with the initial run of budget alternatives, and they are no longer around ... :D
Edited by geknight
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In response to post #29140199. #29142059 is also a reply to the same post.

adamocelot wrote: As I read this post , once again I choke ,Why ? well ... all the complaining , let me ask did any us pay for this tool ,and did it come with a guarantee > Somewhere maybe ? ... nah .....
Before we all pee our pants and sit in it and pout ,, let me ask this
Do we know how to properly install and uninstall Skyrim mods without assistance of any sort , such as a mod organizer/manager ..whatever the tool preferred .. I know how to and I am sure many others do too.
Do we understand the risk of complete game FUBAR from installing them or using anything other tool, addon, patcher,sorter, script tool or editor other than what came out of the box in our game on a computer .. I do , and I am sure many other users do too.
These are the tools we ... WE choose to HELP simplify our Modding experience with . no one forced it on us.
If your game installation breaks ... reinstall the game or mods .. load up that last good save ... and there ya go
I think we all got really lazy and expected for too long a one button solution to mod installation ..
Something went wrong with our toy and we are gonna stomp around till Ma or Da gets us a new one
Over 4k I have in Skyrim I have had to reinstall the game more than 200 times ..atleast because I BROKE IT TO complete FUBAR ..and the best part I know I am gonna the more I tinker with it
such is the life of a game modder
I use these tools also.. you bet .. but I also know I am using them at my own risk
C'mon its not a total loss ,reinstall and keep going

nahuelst wrote: GOOGLE TRANSLATE

I apologize but I disagree, this unholy version was designed only to test us, did not see the necessary warning: it was installing a new type of malware say, for what this failed quiz, had been excellent display a large window a red skull warning that the chances of ruining our games was almost total. And they warn you before and not nearly as when one is going to click install, middle guard. Do not be condescending when you used without adequate notice, time is money friend, and this is a lost time without asking. Obviously you have to defend yourself and not be stomping the head, without threats or grandstanding, only truths that are not recognized here. I wish that those who manage Nexus, Lanzen a new survey, this is now only a false statistics.
Cone nor do I care not speak English speakers speak languages, use the Google God and paste below the translation in Castilian, so it does not lend itself to misinterpretation, but usually always understood, it is not infallible either. I do not hate anyone, I do not rebuke anyone xdxd, neither will I take for useful idiot.
Greetings least one game.

PS if you pay for a tool that works well, gladly would if I pound of these adversities, ergo, Windows ... hehe



Disculpa pero no estoy de acuerdo, esta nefasta versión fué diseñada solamente para probarla con nosotros, NO vi la necesaria advertencía: que estaba instalando un NUEVO tipo de malware digamos, para lo que esta pruebita fallida, hubiera estado excelente que aparezca una gran ventana con una calavera roja advirtiendo que las probabilidades de arruinar nuestros juegos era casi total. Y que lo advierta ANTES y no casi ya cuando uno le va dar click de instalación, medio desprevenido. No seas condescendiente cuando te USAN sin avisar adecuadamente, el TIEMPO vale oro amigo, y este es un tiempo perdido sin pedirlo. Obviamente que hay que defenderse y no dejarse pisotear la cabeza, sin amenazas o grandilocuencia, sólo con verdades, que aquí no son reconocidas. Me gustaría que los que manejan Nexus, lanzen una nueva encuesta, la anterior es ahora solamente una falsa estádistica.
Cono no hablo ni me interesa hablar lenguas angloparlantes, uso al Dios Google y pego debajo la traduccion en castellano, para que no se preste a malas interpretaciones, aunque siempre suele entenderse, no es tampoco infalible. No odio a nadie, no amenazaré a nadie xdxd, ni tampoco dejaré que me tomen por idiota útil.
Menos en un juego Saludos.

PD si hay que pagar por una herramienta que funcione bien, con gusto lo haría si me libra de estas adversidades, ergo, Windows...jeje



You're in the minority here bud. Everybody that knows about modding and that knows what they're doing wouldn't be complaining and would have backed everything up without whining.

You're the same as everybody else, a whiner and think there is a one button fix to everything. Go away.
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In response to post #29116569. #29120449 is also a reply to the same post.

MDeckman wrote: Everyone complaining about your system being borked. Two questions:
1.) Did you read the 4 news posts and the big read letters in the install process?
2.) Did you attempt to make any sort of backup? Saves, plugins, mods?

Because i'm starting to laugh at everyone that's complaining about how their install blew up.

I read everything and I'm still gaming as if nothing happened, with 3 new profiles utilizing the new feature. I've got 218 mods in NMM, roughly 174 to 183 active in the profiles. My only issue right now is everyone complaining at the NMM team, saying it's the team's fault. The truth of the matter is this, it's not their fault, it's yours and yours alone.

What was your answer to my second question? If it was a "yes" then the answer to question 1 was yes. If your answer to number 1 was no, then it's a highly likely to definitely that you didn't back anything up. Hence your fault, not anybody's at the NMM. This statement is backed up by the 4 news posts and the big red letters in the install process- which if you had read the posts, you would have known about.
nahuelst wrote:
Your great contribution "GENIUS" .....


I've got plenty of contributions to this thread, if you'd ever bother to read, like 95% percent of the people here have failed to do with the new NMM and it's 4 posts of explanations and big red letters of WARNING WARNING PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE CONTINUING.

You really are just everybody else, "clicky clicky clicky...wait it broke! Now I have to go complain that it broke!"
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In response to post #29175309.

chris270613 wrote: Mine Works Absolutely Fine..Have had NO Problems at All,apart from "Tilde Key" stopped Working,which is Probably NOT Connected to this Subject..Windows 8.1 64 Bit,32GB RAM,GTX980Ti..Why don't People just Stop Complaining and as for "Death Threats",they Should be Banned (in my Opinion),there is NO Need for it..END...................

because you were one of the 1% that actually read the 4 posts and big red letters in the install process.

Welcome to the 1% club.
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I'm just a gamer (no modding experience). I've only played Skyrim so far. My NMM prompted me to update; I proceeded with it. In the process of updating, it deleted mods indicating that it would reinstall them. The update program, at one point, couldn't find a file then stopped. I don't have a list of deleted mods; I don't know what this installer did. I tried entering my game and found that mods are missing.



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bben46 - Honestly, I was just trying to play my game. I didn't know what I was getting into when I clicked "OK" to update the NMM. I didn't set out to update anything so I didn't know what a can of worms I would end up opening, otherwise, I would have researched it as you had suggested. I'll check out your blog.


BTW, pardon my inexperience but, where can I find the "RTFM"?

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OOps :facepalm: My fault. Try this one. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3230524-update-on-nmm-version-060-and-faq/


RTFM is a computer programmer thing that stands for "Read The Freaking Manual" - or read the documentation that was provided - it does not refer to some specific set of documentation, but is generic. It is based on the well known fact that many people don't read. Then ask questions that were covered in the documentation - this goes for many things in life and not just mods. Any time you ask a question and the programmer responds with RTFM it means the answer is already there. Another way of saying it is "When all else fails, read the directions."


That blog is fairly old and doesn't cover NMM. Mainly because Gopher made some really good you tube tutorials on NMM. I'm sure as soon as he can catch up with the moving target that NMM has become he will update his tutorials with the new information. It does take time to make a good tutorial. :thumbsup:

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