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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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I can imagine people using profiles in order to de-adult their games when playing in public spaces. For example no random NPC sex, no revealing armor, no naked dead bodies after you "search" them and so on.

However more brave souls will be needed to test everything before we assume it will work correctly with SL, HDT and so on...



Also in theory it should help when installing a big new patch for example. If you have a base "working" profile you can copy it to a new one and install the big new mod. If it doesn't work reverting to the "working" profile should fix everything. However it is not clear for me what happens with the mod assets in this case.

Edited by prinyo
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In response to post #28801294.

Karos982 wrote: I understand of course that this software is in beta and therefore is prone to issues but the new version of the manager is completely unusable.

Whenever I attempt to update to the new version whether or not I select yes or no, two loading bars pop up one starts progressing and freezes, whilst another doesn't even show any signs of starting. The bar that starts but doesn't finish says uninstalling installed mods, and the other simply seems to pick one of my mods at random to say it's uninstalling and just sits there.

The entire process seems to freeze and just sit there frozen, I've left my PC running the process overnight and no progress whatsoever. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the manager and that hasn't worked either.

Has anyone else encountered this issue or knows of a way round it?

I have had the same problem, not sure why it happens
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I really do like the new update and I love the profiles function. But unfortunately all of the mods I had loaded stopped working. Everything appeared to go well, but after reinstalling the mods, nothing seemed to be working. I have tried to individually disable and reload every mod, but none of the mods load up the why they use to. For example Climates of tamriel would allow to make certain settings prior to install, that doesn't happen anymore.


Some mods are working, but the mods that require some settings (as described above), are the ones that have not loaded.


Hopefully you can fix this, Keep up the good work

Edited by jasno4000
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I updated and everything is doing perfectly fine (even the script heavy mod "Convinient Horses" makes not problems at all) however, after the update to 0.60 Quicksaving is pretty slow (Game freezes for about 5-10 seconds) anybody got an Idea what might be the problem? (sry 4 bad english)
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Upgraded NMM...


It bugged out...


I fixed it...


Happy with the upgrade and results...


Sometimes people you have to do your own work to fix things. And by fix things I literally mean "Turn them off and than on again".


You guys have made something awesome with this NMM btw. I am not a modder by any means nor do I know my way around files or any nerdy crap like that. This is a simple and effective tool that makes modding games easy and fun. Keep up the good work dudemeisters.

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It wouldnt let me select a non C drive for my final directory, I guess since i didnt run the install as administrator? So I had to uninstall everything and then I go in to pick the directory but the option isnt even there in the i nstalled program. So you can only pick the new directory during install?


The reason this is an issue is that I keep NMM and mods on my data drive and not on my SSD.

Edited by Losse
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Yea...cool...this completely f-ed up my Skyrim...Game crashes to desktop every time i start it,tried reinstalling EVERYTHING Skyrim-related,and...nothing.I had to reinstall Skyrim last week (couse corrupted files are a pretty cool thing) and i'm REALLY tired of trying to figure out how to fix it. My main problem is with mods with option selection during installation. For example: ABT AKA Arrows and Bolts Tweaks adjusts the flight speed of arrows. Normally, I would get a menu where i can select my preferences, and choose one of the options, i could tick +25% or +50% or +100% arrow flight speed,i could choose it. But with the new version,this menu does not show up. This is mainly a problem with my compatibility patches...i don't get to select what mod's compatibility patches I want from an All in One patch module, and I get the compatibility patcehs for mods that I don't even ave installed...and crash to desktop! :D I got rekt. Tired now,gonna go sleep,will have nightmares of screwing up more of my games. (BTW I may be a total IDIOT my wall of text could make no sense at all. And the fix for my problem could be sooo obvious...)
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