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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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I just did the upgrade to the 0.60 version today. For my part, I only ran into a small problem with the reinstall of SkyUI... it popped up with a message during the NMM upgrade that stated that SKSE wasn't installed. I went ahead and forced the install anyway, then tried to start my game and got the "missing content" message when loading my save. After thinking for a bit, I remembered I had renamed my skse_loader.exe to SkyrimLauncher.exe so Steam would load it up. So I uninstalled SkyUI, renamed my SkyrimLauncher.exe back to skse_loader.exe, reinstalled SkyUI and boom... no more issue and my game & save loaded without issues. I exited and renamed my skse_loader back to SkyrimLauncher... and everything is right as rain as far as I can tell. I only have around 60 mods, which sounds on the low side for many of the peeps here. :)


Just to add my .02 on the upgrade and the fury from some... I've been a professional developer for 20+ years. When you're developing software, things WILL happen, despite your best efforts to keep them from happening. Remember that they didn't set out to release something that destroys your setup/game... that's just nonsense. When you're dealing with a complex system of mods/enhancements to a game such as Skyrim, no one can think of all permutations and account for every situation. If you get 95% success, I'd say you're doing fantastic... and from the stats given (roughly 40 bug reports / 8200 installs = 0.004878 * 100 = 0.49% had issues)... that's pretty stellar. Now if you're one of the chaps on the wrong side, it feels like 100% fail. I understand, I've been there... no one likes their game roached and hours of troubleshooting to get playing again. But screaming at the devs with insults, threats, etc... what exactly do you hope to accomplish? Again, I just don't see them sitting in a room laughing at your pain and snickering at their diabolical plot to ruin your existence. As I've read from several posts and heartily echo... keep calm and post constructive feedback on your problems so they can fix any issues and make it better. Programming is not a perfect science... few things are. A little grace for them is not too much to ask, they're doing their best.


Devs - thanks for your efforts and hard work. It's a handy piece of software and I've used it often. Keep up the great work and squash the bugs as you find them. Rock on.

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I had an issue at first. I was getting an error that was crashing the game. Wouldnt even load. Id like to tell you what that error was but I cant remember now. So I tried running it without SKSE, directly from Steam, and its working fine, and all the mods that relied on SKSE are working too. I have something like 100 mods running and the game is fine. I know nothing about the tech aspects of this, all i know is that the game is working and all my mods are still in place.
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I think NMM wiped my mods before 0.60.5. What the hell happened? I remember booting up NMM to play New Vegas then a screen popped up but I didn't get to read it because I hit the enter key to confirm something else I had going but it closed the window out. Now the mods that I installed using NMM were gone. They were stlll in the data folder as if I installed them manually, and their plugins were still on NMM's plugin list. Now, after I updated, they were comepletely wiped from the data folder and the plugins are gone too. The reinstall option that was provided to me didn't restore them either. Can someone explain what in the sam hill is going on? Right now I'm too frustrated to figure this out and and too exhausted to even give a damn anymore.

Edited by TheAddiction
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I just wanna say thanks to the nexus team, and the NMM team for all your hard work. and that I'm sorry that you all have to put up with that sort of unpleasantness.


I'd also like to say that I trust you know what you're all doing with your own site and software, and you've always seemed to take care of the community, so I'll continue to trust you for a long time to come.


hope you all have a fantastic day, and good luck with the coding!

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Thanks to the nexus team and all of them for done a lot of hardworking.


The update NMM give me a lot of pressure and pains. Too many uninstalled, reinstalled, some of the mods error thooo!? then rerun the patch again and and and.. have to wait again about half an hour to finish their patches! you know what i mean.. But


It is good thoo.. in a positive way.. time to get a fresh install the mods, fresh start the game.. right? Although i already 2 years played the Skyrim, still give a lot of fun. Things has been change..


Thumbs up for nice great effort Nexus Team. Sorry for my bad english.

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In response to post #28860284.

Elianora wrote: What I don't get it that.. I started fresh. No mods installed. I deleted my InstallInfo before I updated. I made a clean Skyrim\Data folder. This left the mods I have into the NMM Mods tab but all inactivate. So I start activating mods. I have only vanilla game + all DLC addons, SkyUI and iHUD and our new quest mod, and I crash at main menu.

Do I really need to redownload all my mod files, some of which are custom made packages for my own backups?

Hey there..... Many mods, virtually ALL scripted installs are barfing on the conversion. To make them work properly you must DELETE them and REACQUIRE them - either from a download or from a backup copy of your NMM mods folder that you should make BEFORE you start. (The delete will erase the 7zip from your computer). when you do this the scripted install will function and it will work properly.

Otherwise the "file links" that they are trying to implement will lead to nowhere. I was trying to add some custom body stuff to a couple of my favorite NPC mods and actually hung explorer.exe up because it couldn't find its targets. LOL I'm still seeing occasional purple textures and floating polygons 3 days later (176 mods installed) :D. Far as I can tell, the two mods of yours I'm using ported fine, but then you don't seem to script your installs....

Good luck wrestling the bear ;)
Edited by geknight
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Hey guys, I just wanna point out one issue that has been bugging me the most. The visual mods are not working, yes it might sound stupid but the visuals are not simply working. The animations are there and the changes are there but is not visually affecting it which is a real issue for a fan who wants 2k res and whatnot. Overall, I think you guys are doing great. Edited by TRN0635
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In response to post #28872714.

TheAddiction wrote:

I think NMM wiped my mods before 0.60.5. What the hell happened? I remember booting up NMM to play New Vegas then a screen popped up but I didn't get to read it because I hit the enter key to confirm something else I had going but it closed the window out. Now the mods that I installed using NMM were gone. They were stlll in the data folder as if I installed them manually, and their plugins were still on NMM's plugin list. Now, after I updated, they were comepletely wiped from the data folder and the plugins are gone too. The reinstall option that was provided to me didn't restore them either. Can someone explain what in the sam hill is going on? Right now I'm too frustrated to figure this out and and too exhausted to even give a damn anymore.

That is something that was talked about, the update apparently does this... I'm glad I don't use NMM
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