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RobertMaleBodyReplacerV52 OMOD (Plus a wyre bash question)


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I'm using Oblivion Mod Manager and have been able to get Female EyeCandy and MBP to show up and activate them in OBMM. However, when I download the Robert OMOD, apparently I shouldn't be getting a zipped file but I am. This file does not open up through Oblivion Mod Manager. I am able to go to Create -> Add Archive -> Activate but I am aware there are certain options that should be presented to me, for instance to enable body meshes or not, and which particular options I would like to use. On another forum, I've been told I'm downloading the wrong file, the one I should download is *just* an omod, not zipped.


Help on the above would be appreciated, but there is another issue. While I have Female EyeCandy and MBP showing up as activated on OBMM, when it comes to Wyre Bash, I might as well not have bothered. They don't show up on Wyre Bash at all. How do I resolve this one too?

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After you download the file change the file extension to .omod ... Windows is just hijacking the file extension and changing it to .zip (some new "feature" dreamed up by Microsoft).
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Using Windows Explorer rename the file by changing the file extension from ZIP to OMOD (so for example you would change a file named ThisMod.zip to ThisMod.omod).

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At least Windows 7 hides the extensions by default. To display all file type extensions:

  • Open Windows Explorer
  • Select Organize (top left corner) --> Folder and search options
  • Select the View tab and in the list, find Hide extensions for known file types
  • Untick the box next to it, apply changes and all file extensions should then be visible

In case you cannot find the extension in the filename because Windows has hidden them. Because it thinks it knows what the user wants. :P

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