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[Mod Request] Removal of cut-scenes with nudity.


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Microsoft and Sony already forced the devs to bow to your whims in order to get on consoles (the game is SO tame compared to 1&2...), aren't you happy already?

Perhaps OP wishes to play on a TV where everyone can see, or has young children? Everyone has their own wishes and preferences, I don't see why you should enforce your openness to nudity on the OP.


If OP doesn't like nudity, and if a mod maker is willing to help, then problem solved.

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With Nexus's usual enthusiasm for nudity there are several modders busily undressing every poor lass they can find and the OP wants a clothier?..sorry mate but that is swimming upstream against a rapids, if you wanted size triple d boobs you would be in luck... but modesty mods?

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Microsoft and Sony already forced the devs to bow to your whims in order to get on consoles (the game is SO tame compared to 1&2...), aren't you happy already?

Perhaps OP wishes to play on a TV where everyone can see, or has young children? Everyone has their own wishes and preferences, I don't see why you should enforce your openness to nudity on the OP.



Such a straw-man argument! You know this game is known for adult themes and occasional cartoon nudity and you want to play it in front of children? Or on the big screen at thanksgiving where every one can see???


You want to force your intolerant preferences on the gaming developers and the gaming community that pays for their games? I don't see why you should enforce the close-mindedness to nudity on everyone else. You can easily purchase games that are NOT rated for mature audiences. I find it rather annoying that people like the OP and yourself asking for this are so 'horrified' by cartoon nudity yet revel in the blood and gore, rape, and savagery that is the Witcher series.


If OP doesn't like nudity, and if a mod maker is willing to help, then problem solved.


This is the sensible solution. My mother enjoyed reading detective novels written by women.. whenever she got to scenes of sex, she would skip ahead. Do you really think that your implied right not to be offended (no such thing) dictates that publishing houses produce multiple versions of an author's works? One with graphic sex scenes, one with only mildly graphic sex scenes, one with "suggestive scenes" (a couple retires to the bedroom). One with NO cuss words, one with, one cussing and violence, one with no cussing but plenty of violence, graphic and gory... but no sex no matter what?


IF there is a mod that implements the hypocritical censorship then by all means use it. If not, either learn to mod yourself or don't play a game that tells you up front it contains material you find offensive.


The joy of this game publisher is that they included the tools to tailor the game to your whim.


[ edit]


I *think* i saw a mod that makes Triss wear a towel instead of being nude. Dont know about the rest of Geralt's conquests.

Edited by Revenooer
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  • 1 month later...

I think this request is a great idea--there are similar nudity/violence/language censorship mods across several games (Skyrim, Witcher 2, Left 4 Dead, etc.), and all it does is open up the game to a wider audience. Several people either have personal objections to such content, or they can't buy the game because their parents won't allow that content in the house. This allows the game to be consumed by a much broader market. For example, the Avengers franchise would never have raked in nearly as much cash as it has if they threw in some booby scenes and made it R rated--it cuts down on the possible market.


I think this is a great idea for a mod, but I would add an option to lessen or remove gore and profanity as well, and any other in game nudity.

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  • 6 months later...

So this is my first time modding, but I uncooked the game files and there are censored files for most of the character models. I am currently trying to replace all standard models with the provided resources that CDPR have hidden away. I have wanted this mod for some time so I decided to give it a try, and do it for myself. If I have any luck I will post it on the Nexus, but I really don't know if I am doing it right.

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