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Enchanting Resistances: How is it calculated? [SkyRe]


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Greetings everyone,


I have a little problem with enchanting resistances. The basics: I have the perk “Enchanter [5/5] which makes the enchantments 75% stronger”. Also I have “Defensive Enchanter [2/2] – Which makes defensive enchantments 50% stronger (SkyRe Guide, Point 3.19 Page 73 says this perk includes resistances)”. At last I have “Extra Effect [2/3] – Allows a second enchant, but the enchantments are 20% weaker”.


Now to the test: I disenchant a pair of boots with 40% frost resistance, which provides me an enchantment of +15% (At this case, is this actually worthy? I mean from 40% to 15%? Sounds like a total waste if you ask me)

Anyway, by selecting the enchant, I see it would actually give me a total of +24% resistances, which is hard to believe for me, because however I calculate this, I won’t get this result.



1) 15% > 75% stronger = 26%[26.25%] > 50% stronger = 39%[39.375%] > 20% weaker = 33%[32.5%/32.8125%]

2) 75% + 50% - 20% would be a total bonus of additional 105%. 15% > 105% stronger = 31%[30.75%]

3) 15% > 75% stronger = 26%[26.25%]; 15% > 50% stronger = 23%[22.5%] > 26%+23%=49% > 20% weaker = 41%[40.8333%]

Numbers inside [ ] are "actual" values, since I don't know how Skyrim rounds numbers.



So I even did some further calculations, never getting the end result of 24%, so I'm wondering how the hell is this calculated. Two more things: I just wanted to ask first how it's actually done, before I scream out "bug" and second I hope it's okay when I post it here because I found out in the SkyRe and both Patch threats is more or less rarely a question answered as I saw.


Hope someone can help me with this a little, because I'm just confused :confused:



- Chris

Edited by AlphaWurmi
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I pm'd you but figured I'd post here also for others.


The enchant became 15% when disenchanting the 40% item as only the base enchantment is added to your enchanting list, not the specific enchantment that was on the item. For 'Resist Frost' the enchantments are;


Base (15%) - EnchArmorResistFrostBase "Resist Frost" [ENCH:0010FB8C]

of Resist Frost (15%) - EnchArmorResistFrost01 "Resist Frost" [ENCH:0004950C]
of Waning Frost
(30%) - EnchArmorResistFrost02 "Resist Frost" [ENCH:000AD485]
of Dwindling Frost
(40%) - EnchArmorResistFrost03 "Resist Frost" [ENCH:000AD486]
of Frost Suppression (50%) - EnchArmorResistFrost04 "Resist Frost" [ENCH:000BE02B]

of Frost Abatement (60%) - EnchArmorResistFrost05 "Resist Frost" [ENCH:000BE02C]

of Warmth (70%) - EnchArmorResistFrost06 "Resist Frost" [ENCH:000BE02D]


As for the math, need to know all the enchanting perks you have, Enchanting skill and Soul Gem used. This is the formula used;

Apparel (all non weapons):
net magnitude =

base magnitude * soul multiplier * skill multiplier * (1 + perk) * (1 + specific perk modifier)

"Base magnitude" is the %value of the enchantment as a whole number, 15% = 15.

"Perk" is the value of the bonus as a decimal, +75% = .75.

Repeat the "* (1 + perk)" portion for each enchanting perk that increases enchanting strength. Ranked perks (Enchanter 1/5, Enchanter 2/5) will normally cancel previous ranks, but some mods may make them additive.*

Perks that reduce the effectiveness of an enchantment (Extra Effect) are added to the end of the formula as "* (0 + perk)" so a 20% weaker perk would be "* (0.8)"

"Specific perk modifier" is stuff like defender (SkyRe), in vanilla it is Fire Enchanter, Frost Enchanter, Storm Enchanter, Insightful Enchanter and Corpus Enchanter, since only 1 of those will apply to any one enchantment at a time.


soul multiplier =
Class Multiplier
Grand x1
Greater x2/3
Common x1/3
Lesser x1/6
Petty x1/12

skill multiplier =

1 + (skill/100) * (skill/100 - 0.14) / 3.4

*Additive ranks: rank 1 is +10%, rank 2 is +10% but says it's +20% as it adds its 10% to rank 1s 10%. Additive perks in a multiplicative formula do not equal the sum of the parts, they equal more. 10% (r1) + 10% (r2) = 21%, 50% (r1) + 50% (r2) = 125%. The vanilla enchanting perks are not additive like this, Enchanter rank 2 disables the bonus from rank 1 and replaces it with the higher bonus, rank 3 disables rank 1 and 2, etc.

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Okay at the end we got "15*2/3*[1+(81/100)*(81/100-0.14)/3.4]*(1+0.75)*(1+0.5)*0.8", which is a bit disappointing ~24. Now I just thought about it, lets say I use a Grand Soul Stone and get my Enchantment to 120, so I can get rid of the 20% penalty, would this mean I have an end-result of: 15*1*[1+(120/100)*(120/100-0.14)/3.4]*(1+0.75)*(1+0.5)*1 = ~54?! I mean this would be like :devil:

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