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My Request, For A Proper GunBlade.


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As The Title Says, I request a Single or Series (up to the Creator) to the requisition of GunBlades, what theme They May be based on is Really up to the creator, as to How i wish for There Creation? Well, In all truth, I'm Surprised Noone has created through this Method, But the crossbows i feel would be Excellent! in consideration that they are already used as a Melee with The Terms Of their Right Click, Or Secondary Attack, If you will. why not Make them into a Magic or Steam Punk/ Clock work Gun, Add a Blade On to The Bottom of the Barrel, and Give it melee Bonuses Based on the blade?


However, If someone Knows of a Mod That has already been made that Meets said criteria, I would appreciate A Link To said Mod, And A "Please And Thank You" In Advance.

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First off http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26909/?


Second off,that you capitalized nearly every word (and you wording as a whole) made it a pain to read through that text.I am guilty of capitalizing a lot too,being a German and all,but it's not as bad as you.Just constructive criticism if you want to get replies anywhere :smile:

Iv'e seen that mod, and truthfully... It's not exactly what i'm looking for, I hate to be picky, but as to using a melee system to aim ranged weapons is kind of... difficult i suppose would be the word for it. Don't get me wrong, weapons that take after the "Blood skaal blade" are great! but shooting a bullet from a swinging blade, i just feel to be inaccurate, apologies...


As for the capitalization, sincerest apologies for that, my mind is... in a sense "constantly malfunctioning" in certain areas... Mental mutations, they have their perks, and their cons...

(Note: I actually had to go back just to correct the capitalization, didn't wish to further induce the pain... again apologies.)

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