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looking for a mod for thieves guild questline


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basically what i'm interested in is a way to complete the thieves guild questline and become guild master without swearing any oaths to nocturnal. Story line says that its necessary to be able to confront Mercer but dammit my Dragonborn doesnt need help from any Daedras as far as i'm concerned! :thumbsup: I dont mind returning her key or anything, i just dont want to sell my characters soul to a daedra you know? Someone gimme a heads up if this mod exists already, i'd greatly appreciate it!

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None that I know of. There was a mod (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18685) that allowed you to refuse to take the oath, but that just left the questline unfinished and it doesn't work with the latest patch. There's another that let's you worm out of the oath (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30900/?) and on on the steam workshop that makes the oath non-eternal (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=19256).


It would be nice if there was a mod that let you unshackle the guild from the deadra--I mean gray fox stole from her and was a fraking thief hero--but no one has yet provided one.

Edited by RS13
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well i guess i'll just have to mess with the console commands, thanks anyway RS. Btw qwerty, yes your character is essentially selling their soul. You have to pledge to guard the sepulcher in life and death and in death you reside in nocturnals realm of oblivion. really its all just dialogue but i like the lore of skyrim and thats the one part that bugged me more than any other. the Dovahkiin can slay an immortal dragon-god but needs a daedras help to beat one guy? no freaking thank you

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