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Random crash only when running OBSE


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So I have this elusive crash that's bugging the hell outta me and I'm not sure what I should try next.



The game CTDs quite frequently when using map travel or walking across land. The issue seems to slow down when I reset the Oblivion.ini and remove all of the OBSE plugins, but it ramps up again after I put the plugins back and, strangely enough, seems to stay permanently at that rate even if I remove them again. (However, random is random and it makes this difficult to test.)



However, after multiple tests, I have not been able to get the game to crash when loading without OBSE.



My only activated mod is Better Cities (set to Open Better Cities because I am deliberately trying to increase my crash chance to make the testing of this issue faster.) Also the QTP3 textures have been applied.






MSI GE70 Apache Pro - Laptop



Intel i7-4720HQ

Windows 10 - Account with Administrative Privileges



Oblivion is installed C:\Games\Oblivion but I created the Games folder, it was not preexisting and has given me no UAC issues that I know of.



Now I have a medium sized mess of other mods that have been deactivated/uninstalled. Turning them back on has only a minor effect on the frequency of the crash. My OBSE Plugins are MenuQue, Blockhead, Elys Silent Voice, CSE, and Pluggy (latest version.)



I tried reinstalling OBSE, but all of the files were an exact match. Replacing them did not help. I previously had Oblivion Reloaded v3 installed, but it was causing a garunteed crash in certain areas with Better Cities so I removed it with Wrye Bash. I also tried the 4GB patch, but I see no change.



Am I in it too deep now? Do I need to start over? Why is the average sdt 13 load 640 MB without OBSE and 780MB with OBSE? Is there a specific fix I should try before I'm forced to reinstall everything?

Edited by DarkWasp
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Interesting turn of events here:


1. I reinstalled Oblivion using the old CD (Back when the game was rated Teen)

2. I then installed Shivering Isles

3. I patched it to the latest version and installed OBSE


After extensive testing, I did not crash like this.


4. I added all the official DLC

5. I installed all of my old OBSE plugins


More testing, no crash.


6. Installed Wrye Bash


No crash.


7. Installed Better Cities


While my tdt/sdt 13 is showing 100-400MB as opposed to the 500-1000MB I was getting before the reinstall (even without QTP3), the crash is back in full force.


Any clue as to why my Oblivion can't handle JUST Better Cities?

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Did you try Oblivion Stutter Remover? I had the same problem, just merely setting the iheapsize to 600 and the heap algorithm to 5 in the OSR ini fixed the problem for me. I was able to run both UL and BC alongside FCOM, but the FPS tradeoff was not worth it so I just ended up uninstalling BC.. Though I use an ENB and a bunch of texture mods as well.

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Did you try Oblivion Stutter Remover? I had the same problem, just merely setting the iheapsize to 600 and the heap algorithm to 5 in the OSR ini fixed the problem for me. I was able to run both UL and BC alongside FCOM, but the FPS tradeoff was not worth it so I just ended up uninstalling BC.. Though I use an ENB and a bunch of texture mods as well.


I did try it before, but I wasn't sure how to optimize the heapsize for my system and setting it to 1000 did not fix the issue. I guess I'll try to research into it more.

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A little update here, I ran task manager on top and found that Oblivion was indeed exceeding 1.6gb memory.


However, I can't let OBSE off the hook yet.


Without OBSE, when hitting 1,720MB of RAM, the screen froze/flickered and then 200-600 MB would unload. The performance became atrocious for a few seconds, but it doesn't want to crash.


With OBSE running, the loading bar would freeze in the same place then crash.


I guess my previous attempt at LAA failed, I'll try again with OSR with the heap set to 5 and report back.




So I patched the EXE with the 4gb patch and Oblivion was able to exceed 1.7GB with OBSE running, but after it did, it started purging back down to 1.5GB. Not long after that started, it crashed on the next map travel.

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All users have different specs regarding the PC hardware so don't just stop at setting heap to 5. It might help you or it might get worse. I.e I would need to set the heap to 6 in order to load the game. You don't need to touch anything else except the frame manager which I set to 30 max 10 min and heap to 6. Your experience might be different due to different hardware. I used to tweak OSR a lot and came to conclusion all other settings are useless or make the game more unstable. Good luck!!

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I'm on to something. I exited a background program called Dragon Gaming Center. It's a hardware monitoring tool for my laptop.


In the two tests I've done so far without it, I have been crash free. I've been able to exceed 2GB of RAM without issue.



NOTE: Both OBSE and Dragon Gaming Center use Net Framework - This may be why the issue was exclusive to OBSE

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