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how to rename a mods file extension from .zip to .esp?


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ok since communications from my end seem to be screwed let me start over)

im not trying to open up the .esp since it needs to be extracted from the zip/rar that it is contained in before putting into the games data files.

the constuction set recognizes the.esp by itself but if its in a zipped up file all i get is blank nothings.

so then how do i extract the .esp from a .zip/.rar that wont open? if this is a non funtional **** the ill put it into the appropriate trash bin)

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Well, you told us yourself, and Dragon32 confirmed it, that this file is "not" a ZIP, so you cannot ever "extract" anything from it. There is nothing "inside".
It has been "renamed" into ".zip" from ".esp". So if you just rename it back into ".esp", like Dragon32 also did, you can already use it just fine.

Here's what Dragon32 told you, and that's all you need to do:

Click link, download "PassiveSoulgemCliffracers.zip"

Right click on "PassiveSoulgemCliffracers.zip" -> Rename it into -> "PassiveSoulgemCliffracers.esp"

Add "PassiveSoulgemCliffracers.esp" to Data Files, enable and play


Or, forget about the ending for a moment. "Ending" != "File Type" here. It is not a ZIP, it "is" an ESP. It just has a wrong "label". This wrong label prevents the CS from being able to "see" it, not the file type.

So knowing that it is a valid ESP already, just "labeled" wrong, what do you do? You simply change the label back into the correct one, and you'll immediately be able to use it already just fine. :thumbsup:

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i figured out what the problem was!

it appears that i had a corruption in my window 7 and after the lengthy process of

installing/ upgradeing to windows 10 i now can rename the file.

clueless but happy now that it works).

Edited by dustygraves64
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