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Where does the Nexus Mod Manager store its mod list?


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I'm looking for the list where the program checks to see what mods are checkmarked, enabled, disabled, etc. I'm rolling back to an earlier version of Nexus Mod Manager, and I'm having to repair my work. Anyone know where it's at, or what the name of the file is called so I can search for it myself?

Edited by davidx4
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Confusion is a thing when we're new at doing something. I too am looking for the file where mod manager stores its mods.

I suppose it would be in data file maybe. I don't see it there. Now that's clear think about it. It is not where I look.

Someone can say maybe this or that having a path would be nice. Like ( computer>c>programs>games>nexus>skyrim>data>mods ).

As long as where it is actually stored in the end file. So to ask a question. Where are the mods stored for the mod manager after they are downloaded by it, and before they are activated? Does the file have a name?

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