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Quests from mods bug

chris 07

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There seems to be a problem with some of the quest mods that require you to talk to someone in order to begin that quest. The three that I'm using is Cyrodils last hope, servant of the dawn, and Bjornheim. In Cyrodils last hope the new septim guy won't start any topics with me except for rumors. Servant of the dawn the witch only has rumors, and Bjornheim the count doesn't say anything except for rumars. Help Please?
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There seems to be a problem with some of the quest mods that require you to talk to someone in order to begin that quest. The three that I'm using is Cyrodils last hope, servant of the dawn, and Bjornheim. In Cyrodils last hope the new septim guy won't start any topics with me except for rumors. Servant of the dawn the witch only has rumors, and Bjornheim the count doesn't say anything except for rumars. Help Please?

Start by checking the mods for conflicts using OBMM. Do you only have 3 mods active, or are those just the ones you felt like mentioning? It sounds like one of them has unclean dialogues. I'm not familiar with any of those mods, so it could even be a bug with those mods, a fake (a mod uploaded by someone else with parts disabled, or with additional problematic things added (unlikely)), or something you've done.

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I already checked OBMM and everything is compatible though I do have other mods and the only clashing is OOO and Shields on back or something like that but it play good anyways. I really don't see how that can be a problem and as for unclean dialogue other people already played these and says there good, all were rated a 9 out of 10 I think. I know that I installed it right too.
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I already checked OBMM and everything is compatible though I do have other mods and the only clashing is OOO and Shields on back or something like that but it play good anyways. I really don't see how that can be a problem and as for unclean dialogue other people already played these and says there good, all were rated a 9 out of 10 I think. I know that I installed it right too.

The unclean dialogue only appears when you have two mods with unclean dialogue activated.

Try playing the mod without any other mods that add dialogue active.

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There seems to be a problem with some of the quest mods that require you to talk to someone in order to begin that quest. The three that I'm using is Cyrodils last hope, servant of the dawn, and Bjornheim. In Cyrodils last hope the new septim guy won't start any topics with me except for rumors. Servant of the dawn the witch only has rumors, and Bjornheim the count doesn't say anything except for rumars. Help Please?


You can solve problem temporarily by moving the mod you want to see topics from to be last in your load order. However, this can be a hassle to do repeatedly, so you may just want to fix them in the CS.


See Fixing the AddTopic Bug.

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You can solve problem temporarily by moving the mod you want to see topics from to be last in your load order. However, this can be a hassle to do repeatedly, so you may just want to fix them in the CS.

See Fixing the AddTopic Bug.


Mercy, mercy me. I gave up on a mod I was building, because I could not figure out how to fix the friggin' thing. So that 'splains that. That's one game engine bug that must've frustrated thousands. Thanks man. I needed that. ;D

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